Online Divorce Mediation is a Cost Effective Way to DivorcePosted by MichealH Alexander on February 3rd, 2021 An Online Divorce Mediation is a process where you and your spouse meet with a mediator (virtually or in person). The family law mediator is a neutral third party. If in person, you can meet at the mediator’s office or your lawyer’s office in an effort to resolve your divorce or family law case. If you or anyone you know are currently going through a divorce or legal separation and are worried about delays from the Covid-19 Pandemic, online divorce mediation is something to consider. At mediation the third party neutral helps you and your spouse try to settle issues that you have been unable to resolve, such as equitable distribution of assets, timesharing (child custody), or alimony (spousal support). The online mediator helps you and your spouse come to a resolution so that you do not need to proceed to trial. Trial is almost always the most expensive part of a divorce, and can usually be avoided. Florida Online Divorce Consultation Advantages of Online, Virtual Divorce Mediation are as follows:- 1. Mediation is an efficient and cost-effective way to resolve your divorce. Online mediation lets this happen from wherever you are comfortable. 2. It allows you to be more in control of your case if you are nearing trial, where you may not come out as successful. 3. It allows your settlement discussions to remain private. Online mediation has separate, private virtual rooms so everything remains confidential and you do not have to be present in the same “virtual room” as your spouse if you do not want to. Online Divorce mediators in each case will explain different sets of proposals and what the benefits and drawbacks are in order to reach an agreement on all possible issues. The virtual divorce mediator always remains neutral and will not favor one party over the other. The remote mediator is likely to take time to express the benefits of online and virtual mediation, such that you may not do as well in front of a judge, and will try to persuade you to productively engage with the process. An online family law or divorce mediator tries to move the case towards a settlement. Mediators always try to understand the intention of each party trying to settle during mediation. With today’s era of modern technology and advocacy, online divorce and family law mediation is one of the most common and popular resolution methods as opposed to going to court. Like it? Share it!More by this author |