Can Custom Foot Orthotics Improve Your Golf And Tennis Game?

Posted by Valentin Gibbons on February 3rd, 2021

Make certain that you thoroughly dry your feet after a soak or shower. It is important to dry between and under your toes. We often miss drying under our toes thoroughly, leaving damp and warm perfect environment for more bacteria or fungal infections to establish themselves. Giving your feet a good salty bath is also great as it reduces the number of bacteria residing on your feet and helps to deodorize your feet as well.After drying, dust your feet with foot powder, common baking soda is good or a quality foot powder from the pharmacy or drug store. Lavender oil and eucalyptus oil are also great, rub a few drops into your feet for a fresh aroma that will help with the deodorizing and removal of unwanted lingering smells. Be Japanese Toe Nail Fungus Code Review of your shoes, put baking powder and eucalyptus in those and leave for 24 hours, making sure you dust them out thoroughly before you wear your shoes again. If your shoes are washable like gym or sports shoes give them a regular wash. Adding a little eucalyptus oil to the wash water helps to remove odors and any accumulated fats or oils that are present in your shoes as well. (Eucalyptus also helps to remove grease and oil from your clothes).Do not wear the same shoes every day as this is just creating the same old yummy damp environment for the bacteria and makes a wonderful bacterial development factory. Allow your shoes to be thoroughly dried out before you wear them again.

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Valentin Gibbons

About the Author

Valentin Gibbons
Joined: February 3rd, 2021
Articles Posted: 1