14 container choreography tools for Devops

Posted by Thomas William on February 3rd, 2021

what is container choreography?

nowadays, container platforms such as docker are very popular for application packaging based on microservice architecture. You can make containers highly scalable, and you can create containers on demand. While this is great for a few containers, imagine you have hundreds.

when the number of containers increases with the demand, it becomes extremely difficult to manage the container life cycle and its management.

container choreography solves this problem by automating container scheduling, deployment, scalability, load balancing, availability and networking. Container choreography is the automation and management of container and service life cycle.

1. Kubernetes

kubernetes is an open source platform originally designed by Google and now maintained by cloud native Computing Foundation. Kubernetes supports declarative configuration and automation. It helps automate the deployment, expansion, and management of containerized workloads and services.

kubernetes API helps to establish communication among users, cluster components and external third-party components. Kubernetes control plane, and nodes in aGroup together to form a cluster running on the node. The application workload consists of one or more pods running on the worker node. The control plane manages pod and work program nodes.

2. Openshift

RedHat provides openshift container platform as a service (PAAS). It helps automate applications on secure and scalable resources in a hybrid cloud environment. It provides an enterprise level platform for building, deploying, and managing containerized applications. It is based on RedHat Enterprise Linux and kubernetes engine. Openshift has many functions and can manage clusters through UI and cli. RedHat also provides two variants of openshift,

· openshift online – as software as a service (SaaS)

· dedicated to openshift – as a managed service

openshift origin (original community distribution) is an open source upstream community project, which is used in openshift container platform, openshift online and openshift dedicated.

3. Nomad

nomad is a simple, flexible and easy-to-use workload coordinator, which can deploy and manage containers and non containers on a large scale in the scope of internal deployment and cloudIt can be used as an application. Nomad runs as a single binary file, takes up less resources (35MB), and is supported on Mac OS, windows and Linux.

developers use declarative infrastructure code (IAC) to deploy their applications and define how they should deploy them. Nomad automatically recovers the application from the failure.

any type of nomad orchestrate application (not just a container). It provides aws solutions architect associate practice exam first-class support for docker, windows, Java, VM, etc.


· simple and reliable

· modernize legacy applications without rewriting

· easy scale alliance

· proven scalability

· easy and cloudy

· native integration with terraform, consul and vault

4. Docker swarm

docker swarm uses declarative models. You can define the required state of the service, which is maintained by docker. Docker enterprise edition has integrated kubernetes with swarm. Docker now provides flexibility in the selection of choreography engines. Docker engine cli is used to create a large number of docker engines in which application services can be deployed.

DockeThe R command is used to interact with the cluster. The machines that join the cluster are called nodes, and swarm manager handles the activities of the cluster.

docker swarm consists of two main components:

· manager node assigns tasks to the worker nodes in the cluster. Leaders are elected according to raft consensus algorithm. The leader is responsible for all cluster management and task choreography decisions.

· work node - the work node receives tasks from the management node and executes them.


· cluster management integrated with docker engine

· decentralized design

· declarative service model

· scaling

· required status reconciliation

· multi host networking

· service discovery

· load balancing

· default security

· rolling update

5. Docker compose

is used to define and run multi container applications that can work together. Docker composition describes shared service groups, which share software dependencies and are choreographed and extended.

you can use yaml file (docker file) to configure application services. Then, use the docker compose up command to create and start all services from your configuration.

docker-compose.yMl is as follows:

docker compose can be used to decompose the application code into several independent running services, which use the internal network for communication. The tool provides a cli for managing the entire life cycle of an application. Docker compose has traditionally focused on development and testing workflows, but now they focus on more production oriented features.

docker engine can be an independent instance equipped with docker machine or the whole docker swarm cluster.


· multiple isolated environments on a single host

· retain volume data when creating containers

· only recreate changed containers

· composite movement between variables and environments

6. Minikube

allows users to run kubernetes locally. With minikube, you can test applications locally within a single node kubernetes cluster on a personal computer. Minikube provides integrated support for kubernetes dashboards.

aws cloud practitioner exam minicube runs the latest stable version of kubernetes and supports the following functions.

· load balancing

· multi cluster

· persistent volume

· node port

· configmap and secret

·Container Runtime: docker, cri-o and containerization

· enable CNI (container network interface)

7. Marathon

is suitable for Apache mesos, which has the ability to coordinate applications and frameworks.

Apache mesos is an open source cluster manager. Mesos is a Apache project that can run both containerized and non containerized workloads. The main components of the mesos cluster are mesos proxy node, mesos master server, zookeeper, framework – the framework coordinates with the main framework to schedule tasks to the proxy node. Users interact with the marathon framework to schedule jobs.

the marathon scheduler uses zookeeper to locate the current host to submit tasks. Marathon scheduler and mesos master server have running secondary master servers to ensure high availability. The client uses the rest API to interact with marathon.


· high availability

· stateful applications

· beautiful and powerful user interface

· constraints

· service discovery and load balancing

· health check

· active subscription

· indicators

· rest API

8. Cloudify

CloudIFY is an open source cloud choreography tool for container and microservice deployment automation and lifecycle management. It provides features such as on-demand clustering, automatic repair, and scaling at the infrastructure level. Cloudify can manage the container infrastructure and coordinate the services running on the container platform.

it can be easily integrated with docker and docker based container manager, including the following.

· docker swarm

· docker composition

· kubernetes

· Apache mesos

cloudify can help create, repair, expand and dismantle container clusters. Container choreography is the key to providing an extensible and highly available infrastructure for running container managers. Cloudify provides the ability to coordinate heterogeneous services across platforms. You can deploy applications using the CLI and cloudify manager.

9. Rancher

rancher is an open source platform using container choreography (called cow). It enables you to use kubernetes, swarm, mesos and other choreography services. Rancher provides the software needed to manage containers, so organizations don't need to build container service platforms from scratch using a unique set of open source technologies.

rancher 2. X allows the management of k-servers running on a provider designated by the customerUbernets cluster.

getting started with rancher requires two steps.

1. Prepare a Linux host. Prepare a Linux host with 64 bit Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 (or other supported Linux distributions with at least 4GB of memory). Install a supported version of docker on this host.

2. To start the server, to install and run rancher, please execute the following docker command on the host:

the user interface allows the management of thousands of kubernetes clusters and nodes.

10. Containership

containership is used to implement the deployment and management of multi cloud kubernetes infrastructure. Through a single tool, it can operate flexibly in public, private cloud and local environment. It enables you to configure, manage, and monitor your kubernetes cluster across all major cloud providers.

use cloud native tools (such as terraform, Prometheus for configuration) for monitoring and calico for network and policy management. It's built on top of vanilla kubernetes. Containership platform provides intuitive dashboard and powerful rest API for complex automation.


11. azk

azk is a pass list file( Azkfile.js )Open source choreography tool for development environment. This file can help developers install, configure and run common tools for developing web applications using different open source technologies.

azk uses containers instead of virtual machines. Just like virtual machine, container has better performance and lower physical resource consumption.

can be reused Azkfile.js File to add a new component or create a new component from scratch. It can be shared, ensuring an overall balance between development environments on different aws solutions architect associate practice exam programmer machines and reducing the chance of errors during deployment.

12. Gke

gke provides a fully managed solution for container application choreography on Google cloud platform. The gke cluster is supported by kubernetes. You can use kubernetes cli to interact with the cluster. The kubernetes command can be used to deploy and manage applications, perform administrative tasks, set policies, and monitor the health of deployed workloads.

the advanced management functions of Google cloud can also be used in gke cluster, such as load balancing, node pool, automatic expansion and upgrade of nodes, automatic repair of nodes, logging and monitoring with Google cloud's operation suite.

Google cloud provides CI / CD tools to help you build and provide application containers. You can use cloud build to build container images from various source code repositories, such as docker, and container registry to store container images.

gke is an enterprise ready solution with pre built deployment templates.

13. Aks

aks is a fully hosted kubernetes service provided by azure, which provides server free kubernetes, security and governance. Aks manages your kubernetes cluster and allows you to easily deploy containerized applications. Aks automatically configures all kubernetes master nodes and nodes. You only need to manage and maintain the proxy node.

aks is free; you only need to pay for the proxy node in the cluster, not the primary node. You can create aks clusters in azure portal or programmatically. Azure also supports other functions, such as advanced network, azure Active Directory integration and monitoring using azure monitor.

aks also supports Windows Server containers. You can monitor its cluster and deployed application performance from azure monitor. Logs are stored in azure log analyzerCS workspace.

aks has been certified by kubernetes.

14. AWS eks

AWS eks is a fully hosted kubernetes service. AWS allows you to run eks clusters using AWS fragment, a server less computing for containers. Fragrance eliminates the need to provision and manage servers, allowing per application pay per resource.

AWS allows the use of other functions through eks, such as Amazon cloudwatch, Amazon virtual private cloud (VPC), AWS identity, auto scaling group and access management (IAM), monitoring, extending and load balancing applications. Eks integrates with AWS app mesh and provides kubernetes native experience. Eks runs the latest kubernetes and is certified by kubernetes.

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Thomas William

About the Author

Thomas William
Joined: January 28th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1