Which is better ? Android or iOS app development?

Posted by addisonsmith on November 21st, 2014

Both Android and iOS saw more than 50 billion downloads in 2013 and the Apple Store generated more than USD 10 billion in business. It is expected that 2014 is not going to be any different. Any capable mobile application developer is bound to find a lot of work this year and the numbers of developed apps, app-related downloads and figures reflecting revenue generation are bound to surpass the previous year. If you are still thinking whether to opt for Android or iOS app development, don’t delay. This is the time to launch at app on either platform. Call an app developer now and share your ideas with them. Expert programmers in Brisbane, Australia can come up with the best practical solution for your business.

Google conducted a survey in Australia in 2013 and came up with the stats that an average user installs 33 apps (11 of them paid apps) and uses 12 apps in a month. Mobile internet usage has picked up in the country and Google’s survey revealed that 48 out of 100 mobile internet users notice ads that are within apps. This means tremendous business opportunity. If you don’t invest in developing an app for your business now, you could be looking at your competitors getting ahead. It is time for you to contact expert mobile application developers in Brisbane or on the Gold Coast.

Before you undertake this investment you should know how much iOS app development costs. You will find that the cost of app development depends upon the type of app you are planning to have developed. The most basic apps are the tab and table-based apps. These are apps that provide information and a clear functionality to the user. These apps are simple in their design and can cost anywhere between AUD 1,500 and AUD 5,000. Database or native apps are more expensive because there is more complexity involved in building the logic for your app. The cost here could be anywhere between AUD 10,000 and AUD 60,000. If you are planning to hire a mobile application developer to develop a game for you, you could be looking at anywhere between AUD 15,000 and AUD 300,000.

The process starts by meeting with a trusted developer to discuss your idea. The big question is – Android or iOS app development first? You would know that Android and iOS are the two most largely used mobile OS. Windows is a distant third. Both Android and iOS stores offer great return on investment and it is important that you make your selection based on possible revenue. Android has more users than iOS and if you go by sheer numbers, it should be a better option. But iOS has more affluent users and there is a sense of prestige involved in quality iOS app development.

A mobile application developer is the one who can tell you ‘what and the how’ - this means what to build and where best to market it. Opt for an experienced developer in Brisbane or on the Gold Coast, for Android or iOS app development, and you will discover the answers.

Whether you opt for Android or iOS app development, listen to the advice of your mobile application developer who will provide you with an experienced recommendation.


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Joined: November 12th, 2014
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