A leaked WoW cinematic shows Sylvanas might not be so evil after all

Posted by freemexy on February 5th, 2021

Sylvanas Windrunner is one of World of Warcraft's biggest villains. Sure, she doesn't lead an intergalactic army of demons like Sargeras did, but for over a decade she's continually been up to some shady shit, and more recently she parked her undead keister on the skull-lined throne as the players' main nemesis. She burned an entire city and most of its inhabitants to the ground, she went nuclear on the once-human capital of Lordaeron, and now she's abducted most of the leaders of Azeroth and taken them to the afterlife to torture them for god knows what purpose. To get more news about buy wow gold shadowlands, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

She's definitely a bad person in desperate need of some justice, but a newly datamined cutscene in WoW: Shadowlands shows that Sylvanas might not be as evil as she pretends to be.The cutscene in question was unearthed by Wowhead dataminers who believe it will be unlocked in a new wing of Torghast, Shadowlands' roguelike dungeon, called the Twisting Corridors. Unlocking the Twisting Corridors requires completing a multi-week questline, but some players should be able to access it this week and trigger the cutscene properly.

If you haven't played Shadowlands (or aren't at this point in the story), a quick summary is that Sylvanas has imprisoned many of Azeroth's leaders in Torghast, a big cosmic prison. She and the Jailer, a mysterious demigod who rules over the Shadowlands' most hellish of hells, are torturing them and trying to enlist their aid in tearing down the rigid bureaucracy of the Shadowlands.

In Warcraft, the mortal souls of the perished are judged by a cosmic sorting hat and then permanently imprisoned in one of countless realms of undeath depending on how they lived their lives. Five of those realms are the actual zones that players adventure through and almost all of them are terrible. Like, if you live a life of honor and kindness, you go to Bastion where blue-skinned freaks erase all your memories so you can sit in quiet contemplation for all eternity.

Sylvanas, who escaped from the Shadowlands when Arthas killed her back in Warcraft 3, is right in thinking this system blows. But she and the Jailer have opted to try and implement a better solution in the most evil way possible—though we don't really know the fine details quite yet.Since Shadowlands launched, Sylvanas has been keeping characters like Anduin, King of Stormwind, in prison and trying to convince them to join the cause. In this new datamined cutscene, though, we learn that time is of the essence and the Jailer explicitly tells Sylvanas that trying to persuade Anduin isn't working and she needs to use a more direct approach. So he hands her a runeblade not unlike Frostmourne, which Arthas used to kill Sylvanas and enslave her spirit in Warcraft 3.

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