Sexual Health

Posted by Bleucares on February 5th, 2021


Sexual health, just like physical and mental health, is an essential part of the overall health and wellbeing. Sexual health is holistic. Studies show that good sexual health provides a raft of benefits and casts a positive impact on social and emotional health of a person. But for far too long, women sexual health concerns have been overlooked and unaddressed. The need of the hour is to raise awareness, do away with the stigma regarding sexual health with open communication and healthy dialogue. 

A powerful change is needed to ensure women from all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds are heard and their concerns are addressed without any judgements. At Bleu , we believe in raising awareness and normalising discussions on sexual health concerns to improve the sexual well-being of women.

Openly communicating sexual needs to your partner can help you come closer together and achieve greater sexual enjoyment. Self-reflection and candid communication is essential to maintain a satisfying sex life. Although it can be difficult to talk about sexuality, but for the overall emotional and physical well-being, it is worth addressing. 

If you have concerns regarding your sex life or are looking for ways to improve it, talking with your partner is a good first step. 

Open Communication 

Talking about your sexual life can help you increase your confidence and comfort levels. Candid dialogues with your partner about your sexual experiences and expectations can bring you closer and encourage sexual fulfillment. 

Admit Your Discomfort

If you are nervous, then say so. Speaking up about your concerns might help start the discussion. If you feel awkward about sharing what you want, tell your partner. Ask for reassurance that your partner is open to the discussion.

Relationship And Romance 

Talk about issues with your partner that could be interfering with sex, and come up with ways as to how you can resolve them. Find out what you and your partner feel about romance. Do you feel it is missing? Seek ways to reignite it and find out how romance can lay the ground for sexual intimacy. 


What is it that gives you individual and mutual pleasure? Be willing to hear suggestions from your partner and arrive at agreements. If one of you is not comfortable with the requests from another, candidly discuss the kind of sexual activities that make you uncomfortable. 

Talk about contraceptive and intimate products that work for you. Put an end to unwanted side effects and switch to sensitive condoms that are non-toxic and vagina-friendly. 

Emotional Intimacy 

Sex is way more than a physical activity. It is an opportunity for emotional connection and brings couples closer. Try to take the burden off each other during intercourse or while having an orgasm. Engage in physical touching, kissing and being emotionally connected. 

For a sensuous and long-lasting experience, try Bleu’s exclusive range of safest condoms that are glycerin and paraben-free and made without artificial flavours. 

If you still experience any difficulty, seek professional help. There is no shame in consulting a doctor or a sex therapist for support. If you take medications that might affect your sexual desire, consult your sexologist about the prescription. 

We all have a different understanding of the physical and emotional aspects of sex. It is essential to take the time to get to know your sexual self. 

Are you looking to buy condoms or order condoms online? For the safest and most organic experience, try our exclusive range of harsh, chemical-free condoms and make love naturally. 


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About the Author

Joined: February 5th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1