Essential Things to Know About Meditation RetreatPosted by dawson12 on December 16th, 2014 physical ailments that may happen from time to time. If you are not aware of the proper technique meditation cannot be very helpful, therefore, it is necessary to go to a retreat to learn the suitable techniques of meditation. Some retreats offer advanced learning techniques, while some teach both basic and advanced techniques. Before going to a retreat it is essential that you know a few essential things, here are a few: What Happens In a Retreat? When you hear about retreats, the first question that comes to the mind is what happens in a retreat? Many experts and professionals are of the opinion that the body starts to degrade and loosen up all over after a certain. As the muscles loosen up the person, become more lethargic. There are no possible medical treatments that would help the body and the muscles to tighten up, so the body remains lethargic and slowly detoriates. Meditation is the way to a healthy life and a way to regain the balance that has been lost due to daily wear and tear. In a retreat, the correct method of meditation is taught. Through appropriate examples and theories, you will learn the true art and science of meditation. Time to Spend and Plan to Follow in a Retreat A few other questions that pop in mind is how much time to spend in a retreat for meditation and if there are any strategy that needs to be followed? Well, it is necessary to have a suitable time schedule fixed while going to a retreat; however, there is no fixed time as when to go to a retreat. Ideally, a retreat for meditation is perfect for people who are well aware of the basic techniques and postures of meditation. Certain retreats organize workshops for beginners, which is the perfect time for beginners to go meditate. The only plan in a retreat is to stay away from any gadgets to facilitate the development of your senses. Where to Go For a Retreat In any country, there are many retreats for meditation that you can choose. It is important to understand the basic plan and the location where you are going before you choose. A few things to keep in mind while choosing a retreat are:
Mission San Luis Ray a Meditation Retreat Mission San Luis Ray is one of the best meditation retreats located in California. It is the home to the community of the Franciscan Friars. The community and the mission offer workshops and classes on the true art of meditation for people who are willing to find peace and happiness in life. Franciscan retreat center located at Old Mission, Oceanside CA offer prayer and meditation retreats every weekend. Visit and register for retreats. Like it? Share it!More by this author |