When Should One Use a UVC Catheter

Posted by neomedinc on February 7th, 2021

The birth of a baby in the family is a cause of delight. Unfortunately, several babies are born prematurely and need to be kept under close supervision until the infant is healthy enough to breathe and function without external aid. The preterm babies are usually confined in a well equipped neonatal unit occupied with multiple care-giving professionals, including doctors, nurses, and paramedics. It may become essential to insert a UVC catheter into the umbilicus stump for a variety of reasons.

The parents are often anxious to know about the baby's status and find it stressful to view the tiny infant being fitted with a tube sticking from the umbilicus. It helps to inquire about the necessity of doing so by discussing the newborn infant's condition with the professional in charge. The facts that are sure to interest a layperson and the new parents include the following:-

The mother and baby are joined together via the placenta at birth. Three distinct blood vessels, namely a couple of arteries and a vein, exchange blood between the mother and child right until it is born. The blood vessels that remain patient for a few days immediately after birth may be used to introduce a catheter into the weak and ill baby's body.

It is essential to source a quality umbilical catheter for the frail infant's health depends on using it effectively. The medical professional deciding to utilize such a device make sure to check it properly before inserting it into the vein or one of the umbilicus' arteries.

This hollow, narrow tube is mostly used to draw blood from the baby for diagnostic purposes. This helps to keep the baby comfortable as the infant does not have to suffer jabs frequently. A catheter that remains in place can be used to draw an adequate quantity of blood without troubling the new born baby. It is also utilized for monitoring the blood pressure regularly post-birth.

The UVC or catheter that is pushed into the vein is usually used for:-

· Checking the health parameters of a preterm infant

· Administering medication to treat digestive issues that prevent the baby from feeding normally

· Providing constant medication to the preterm infant who requires potent drugs to function properly

· Newborn babies who need exchange transfusion urgently

An arterial catheter may be placed inside the placenta's stump when the neonate develops breathing problems and is in respiratory distress. Constant monitoring of the gases and blood pressure can also be done perfectly with a UAC instead of a UVC. A newborn baby who is unable to suckle at the breast of the mother may be fed with the help of an alternative method. While enteral feeding is the norm, using an ENFit connector and suitable feeding syringes can be done. Both pumped breast milk and formula may be used to ensure the proper nutrition of the baby.

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