Fire fighter Challenge Coins
Posted by dunitzsantrino on December 22nd, 2014
You may not be familiar with Firefighter challenge coins, unless you know a fire fighterpersonally. They are that noble breed, which risks limb and life to save people from the sweeping destruction of fire. It requires a tremendous courage and a heart brave enough to go into the flames.Fire fighters are highly motivated people, with the attitude of selfless service.Degrading your own life just to save others from the flaming fire is not a service chosen by all. This is a huge contribution to the society, and to celebrate their act of such bravery, Fire fighter coins are awarded to the brave hearts. These coins are engraved with honourable words, and are small to carry along. They are very shiny which indicates and honours the person for his contribution for humanity.In factfire fighter coins are the legacy of their valour, sense of community and responsibility towards the society. The insignia of fire fighterdepartment stamps each and every challenge coins, before it could be offered to a fighter. It therefore legitimates possession and can be used in the family as a token of legacy.One can display the coin with much of pride depicting honour.
Legacy of national pride
Firefighter challenge coins have its history way back since the World War I & II. It was in fact a custom for all the US military men who went away on battles, from their homes. It depicted their bravery as it takes a lot of heart to leave your family and risk your lives. These challenge coins could also be customized with the particular person’s name on it, making all realized that it is unique and irreplaceable. These coins are also contributed to decreasedfire fighters, who sometimes lose their lives while they are saving others from the fire flames. Thecoins tell us the Fighters name, the date and a unique unit number which is generated for each fighter by the challenge department. Sometimes the coins are customized with photographs as with the help of offset printing.
Ceremonial Fire Fighter challenge coins
It is an extraordinary effort for an individual to go beyond the calling and portray the much needed valour, to save people from the life taking fire. Therefore such brave men and women are frequently awarded so that their act of giving life to others is recognized by the society. Thefire fighter coins are a mere symbol of their heroic actions, and outstanding bravery, that makes these people so special and different from others.
Recognize their heroic actions
Fire fighter challenge coins are a matter of pride and much respect. These coins are therefore highly significant in the lives of challengers. The fire fighter department makes it a point to honour each and every such person, who has contributed to selfless service. Every young and old fire fighter is awarded with these coins in their birthdays or any such special occasion. Some are awarded on the annual military day, and sometimes people are also awarded with incentives with the coins, for their job dedication. These cons inspire the society, to save people from fire and display their action of great respect and confidence.