How to know about the types Of orthodontic treatment and their uses

Posted by Abel Abraham on February 9th, 2021

Orthodontic treatments are methods used to straighten and correct the teeth. It refines the appearance and functioning of the teeth. It also sustains the health of the teeth for many years.

There are numerous types of orthodontic treatments, depending on the problem. The four main types of treatment, however, are fixed braces, removable braces, functional appliances, and headgear.

Fixed braces

A Fixed brace is a non-removable brace that is commonly used in orthodontic treatment. It consists of individual brackets attached to each tooth with glue and connected with wires.

Fixed braces are very useful to prevent future teeth problems. They are also helpful when a particular number of teeth need correction.

They are usually made of metal, but can also come in ceramic or plastic. The appliance allows you to eat as usual, but you should avoid some foods like candy because they destroy the brace and your teeth.

It is also advisable for you to wear a mouth guard or shield when playing sports with a fixed appliance.

Removable braces

Removable braces are used to treat minor teeth problems. The brace is usually taken out when eating and for cleaning. It is made up of delicate wires and springs that fix crooked teeth by applying gentle pressure. It can also help in stopping children from sucking their thumbs.

Functional appliances

Functional appliances are a pair of removable braces that are attached to the upper and lower teeth. They interact together to fix problems of the upper jaw, lower jaw, and teeth.

Although it is removable, it needs to be worn frequently and correctly. If it isn’t worn properly, the problem will not be fixed. So it is important to carefully follow the instructions of your orthodontist when using a functional appliance.


Headgears are not necessarily an orthodontic treatment. But they can be used to hold the back teeth in position, while the front teeth are being fixed. They can also be used to correct the back teeth themselves. They are usually worn at night during sleep and do not allow eating or drinking.

Other types of orthodontic treatments are special braces and retainers. Special braces include invisible or lingual braces that are attached to the back of the teeth. Retainers are used towards the end of treatment. They hold newly fixed teeth in position, allowing the surrounding structures to adjust to the new position. In some cases, a tooth will need to be removed to treat the surrounding teeth. But advances in orthodontic technology make this a rare form of treatment.

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Abel Abraham is the author of this website and writes articles for a long time. To know more about roanoke dental emergency and roanoke teeth whitening please visit the website.

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Abel Abraham

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Abel Abraham
Joined: October 1st, 2019
Articles Posted: 8

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