Reasons to use a Mattress Protector

Posted by Sleep & Beyond on February 11th, 2021

After your bedding items are complete, the most important accessory in the bedding section may be left, is a waterproof mattress protector. Many people may are confused why to use a mattress protector when they don’t have small children at home. But it is not only about the mattress getting wet due to children, there can be other fluids such as sweating etc. from the human body which can be a reason for the mites to get collected in the mattresses and later become a threat to your health.

Here are some of the benefits of Organic Waterproof Mattress Protector:

  1. Mattress Remains Clean and Fresh: You may go to bed after bath and feel clean, but it is a fact that human body does perspire during sleep. Your skin may produce oils which can make mattresses dirty over a period of time.The sweating, shedding dead skin and other such things are soaked by the sheets and then they are passed on to the mattresses. An organic waterproof mattress protector will not let wet spots form on the mattress and any time can be taken out for washing.
  1. Mattress gives a New Look: Sweating and other liquids will make the mattress look dirty if they are spilled over it and also become the reason for the wear and tear of the mattress shortening its life. Even a small amount of fluid is enough as it gets collected every night making it a perfect ground for the growth of mites. A waterproof mattress protector will be the perfect choice to keep the mattress clean and it will look like new even after a long time of use.

  2. Helps in Keeping Away the Allergens: Dust mites, mold, mildew, and other allergens get collected in the mattress and can cause various health problems like running nose, wheezing, sneezing, and asthma. The dead skin which our body sheds continuously, is food for dust mites. So a mattress, if left unprotected, can be a breeding ground for these mites. It is for this reason also you must use an Organic Cotton Mattress Protector.
  1. Protection from other Pollutants: Other than dust and sweat that accumulates on the mattress surface with time, there are other pollutants also that can get trapped in the mattress. If you keep a furry pet at home and your mattress is inundated from fur, anybody at home can get the allergic due to animal pollen. You must know that plants also can be the reason for pollens and allergies. An organic mattress protector will keep you mattress highly cleaned.
  1. Easy Cleaning: An Organic cotton mattress protector is easy to clean. The dirt, dust or stain marks are left only on the covers of the mattress which can be machine washed quickly. You need not to beating or vacuuming the mattress to remove it.   

For quality mattress protectors at very reasonable prices, you can contact Sleep & Beyond, a reputable name in the bed linen industry.

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Sleep & Beyond
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