8 Ideas to Convert Leads into Customers

Posted by Vikas Saini on February 12th, 2021

It is only normal that you are tempted to look for fast fixes that require the least effort if you are trying your hardest to develop your business. The reality, however, is that as hard work and perseverance are crucial in this field, there is no easy way out, all the more so when dealing with your leaders.

It is not a simple assignment to turn a lead into a client. It costs 6 to 7 times more to recruit a new client than to maintain a current one, according to Bain & Company. While many companies can concentrate their resources on lead generation, they lack the know-how to deal effectively with the opportunities that are created. Tried-and-true formulas to help you deal with leads can not always be effective, as some leads can be harder than others.


Identify your lead criteria

Bear in mind the fact that the needs and desires of leads are the highest priority when dealing with leads. Our ultimate aim may be to increase sales, but as a mere tool to expand your sales, a potential customer must not be dealt with.

You're more likely to need your client than they need you, but make sure they never feel that way. The leader must always believe that exactly what they need is the item you deliver. To support this, develop a good relationship with your leader and cultivate a sense of confidence. In the long run, the time spent catering to a potential customer's needs can be satisfying.

Know your contest

Bear in mind that they have possibly already looked at alternatives while persuading a challenging lead. Having a good understanding of what your rivals have to give will help you better emphasize how different or better your product is.

A client is 4 times more likely to defect to a rival if the issue is service-related than price or product-related, according to Bain & Company.

Never attack your rivals publicly as this could actually backfire and make you see your customer in a negative light.

Rapid Follow-ups

This is one move that will quickly help to transform leads into customers when the competition is intense. If you were a client, would you wait around to use a service when you could find a better offer? Think about it this way?

We live in a fast-paced world and people are used to being quickly fulfilled with their desires. The modern age is a whirlwind of activity with diminishing attention spans and constantly distracted minds, and time is precious. So as soon as possible, contact your prospect and send them all the assistance they need to select their next course of action.

A SalesForce Committed

Getting a dedicated sales team in place will make all the difference when it comes to convincing the product to buy those tough leads. Your sales staff needs to be adequately trained and don't confuse the training with a one-time phase when I say trained.

To be able to keep up with the changing demand and consumer needs, the sales staff must be regularly educated. Upskilling the current workforce would allow them to adjust to changing times and thus help turn more customer leads.

The Sales Team's Daily Evaluation

Once a dedicated sales team is in place, make sure that they are tracked regularly so that they remain empowered. Daily reviews can assist in recognizing the shortcomings at an early stage such that effective measures can be taken to resolve the issue.

Track the time it takes to follow up on a lead for each employee, recognize the underperforming employees and take action to enhance the team's performance.


Not all leads are alike and if the sales employee can correctly recognize the stage at which a lead is currently at and then follow-up accordingly, half the fight is won. While one lead may be looking to purchase quickly, another may not be looking to buy yet.

It is easier said than done to define the point at which each lead is at and then take the necessary steps. Your workers must be able to go after the leads for the extra mile and never give up on a complicated lead to follow a simpler lead. Losing one lead in a paper does not seem like a big loss, but it is one too many in this highly competitive industry.

Triggers in Psychology

To push behavior, psychological stimuli can be effectively used. It can go a long way in getting your client to make the first purchase to create interest and provide a great build-up for your product. If you can catch the customer's attention effectively by delivering something different, half of the battle is won.

An urge to feel essential is motivated by human beings. Therefore, it will help them make a positive decision by making sure that your client knows how much you respect their time and interests. A crucial point to bear in mind here is that in your actions, your concern must not be limited to words, it must also be obvious.

Social evidence is another tried-and-tested cause. As it builds trust, ratings, testimonials, referrals, and case studies will impact consumers to a great extent. Think about it this way, before making a choice between various brands, wouldn't most of us look at consumer reviews? This is how social evidence operates.

Advantages/Benefits give

If a potential customer is hesitant to commit, at least not without having some serious misgivings, give them an offer they can not reject. Attractive deals are also part of the generation of leads, but even when turning leads into customers, it matters.

Understand the customer's expectations and provide them with details about the deals that you feel might suit them. Many leads would find enticing deals and if you could apply the scarcity strategy by restricting the time or amount available for the bid, you would be more likely to turn the challenging lead into a client.


According to a Salesforce report, "on average, 13 percent of leads convert to opportunities and 84 days is the average time for conversion." The conversion rate from opportunity to deal is even lower, converting just 6 percent of opportunities to deals, but converting takes just 18 days on average.

Given how difficult lead conversion is, one must note that the emphasis must be on converting the easier leads rather than the difficult ones, given a lack of time or money. Convincing a challenging lead can be a daunting challenge without any guarantee of success, nor without striving to make sure you never give up.

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Vikas Saini

About the Author

Vikas Saini
Joined: February 12th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1