ALTA Survey ? Maintainingthe reliability and quality of the survey of land in thPosted by Calvada on January 29th, 2015 There are many dimensions to a land survey and so, to the reports generated through these surveys. To avoid so many different views and ideas about one single land by two or many surveyors, the American Land Title association has put up certain specific rules for the survey. The reports following these surveys, if one sticks to the ALTA rules, will be perfect and uniform all around. The main aim of such an operation is to avoid confusion regarding the various kinds of surveys conducted on land. There is a plethora of different surveys, each pertaining to various states or even depending upon the surveyors. And, due to these innumerable varieties of surveys roaming around in the USA, there exists a general confusion among the experts themselves, while reading a survey report. For instance, if there is a problem with the boundaries of a particular land, but the person who owns the land has a survey done on this stretch, he or she can produce it before the authorities. But, if that survey report (mostly read only by the surveyors themselves) is not in accordance with ALTA, the person reading the report, might not be able to come to the perfect decision. On the other hand, if the owner had done it according to the rules and specifications of ALTA, he, or she will have a better chance of stating his case before the court. Thus, ALTA aims at bringing harmony to a very controversial field of maps, reports and complex figures. In doing so, every land survey now, will be attested for their quality and reliability, making it easier for both the person owning the property and authorities to make the decision easily. If one would like to conduct an ALTA survey, a person needs to approach a perfect surveyor agency, to get a good quality survey done on his unit. These surveys not only cover the boundaries of your property, but also deal with many other aspects such as proximity of the land or building to other properties and also the easements such as supply of essential needs. If you are planning to start up a commercial complex, or, an industry in the USA, one thing you need the most is an ALTA approved survey. The best part of these surveys is that they are uniform among the state boundaries. Thus, contact the best ALTA approved surveyors to have the best out of your every land purchase. About the Author: Armando Dupont, a professional land surveyor started his career in surveying in 1977 and has extensive experience in managing personnel and projects. His experience includes: topographic mapping, boundary surveys and analysis, construction and control surveying, preparation of tract and parcel maps, earth work calculation and quantities, targeting and control for photogrammetric, and land title surveys in accordance with the American Land Title Association and the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. Mr. DuPont founded Calvada Surveying, Inc. in 1989 and is a licensed Professional Land Surveyor in the State of California. Like it? Share it!More by this author |