Benefits Of Yoga For Pregnant Women

Posted by samsudinaaice on February 19th, 2021

Ever See a Yoga Train Wreck? Things That Help and Hinder a Yoga Practice

I never thought I would see a yoga train wreck like I saw the other day in class. I have been doing yoga daily for almost 50 years, and never has it made me laugh like this. So here’s what happened.

I happened to join a beginner yoga class (the only one I could make that day because of my schedule) and we were packed in like sardines. We get to the tree pose, you know, the one where you stand on one leg and have the other one crossed in front. This being a room filled with beginner yoga students, there was a lot of wobbling involved in the tree pose.

All of sudden… bam! One lady tilts left and hits her neighbor. Her neighbor immediately collapses into the person to the left of her, and so on, until about six people had crumpled to the floor in a giant human pretzel! We all laughed like crazy and got a better workout for our abs by laughing than we did during the whole rest of the class.

So if you ever get a chance to join a packed beginner yoga class, watch out for that tree pose… or at least be prepared to laugh your butt off when the whole thing implodes in on itself! Of course, all of this is just a way to make you smile, and a segue way into the topic of how to make your yoga practice easier and more effective.

3 Ways to Make Your Yoga Practice Easier and More Effective

Yoga is definitely a healthy practice but if you are just getting into it, or if you tend to run hot and cold in your practice, yoga can be downright painful. Stretching muscles, tendons, and ligaments that haven’t been stretched in a long time is painful… but it’s also good for you. Plus, done right, yoga doesn’t have to be painful, and it can help your body feel more at ease all the time. So here are 3 tips on how to make your yoga practice easier and more effective.

Yoga Tip #1: Do Yoga Often or Not At All

This may sound harsh, but it’s true. If you only do yoga once a week, the practice may be more painful than beneficial. Yoga’s true benefit to body, mind, and spirit occur, in my experience, when you practice yoga at least 3-4 times per week. Even if that means you have to scale down your practice to a very simple routine that you won’t mind doing on a regular basis, that’s OK.

you begin to notice mental and meditation effects. At 5 or more times a week, yoga becomes a spiritual effort that also benefits body and mind, and the effects can be truly spectacular.

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Joined: February 19th, 2020
Articles Posted: 71

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