Managing poor performancePosted by Hamza on February 19th, 2021 The best advice on managing poor performance by employees is to avoid it by giving: Clear expectations. Regular feedback on the workplace environment. Training and development on how to achieve the desired results. And most importantly, don't procrastinate: discipline, not punishment, is the answer to managing poor performance in the workplace. When a person is considered underperforming, the usual first step to manage poor performance in the workplace is to discipline the employee. Whether it is a monetary penalty, demotion, loss of status or some other form of sanction, the very purpose of such a sanction is to ensure that the employee understands why he is performing poorly and what impact his actions will have on his ability to contribute to the success of his team. It is important that this discipline is principled and not just a means to an end. A proper understanding of the situation that has led to the underperformance must be established before any sanction is taken; failing which discipline can become counterproductive. Effective management of performance issues in line management requires a group of people with similar values and a shared understanding of how a business works. The best managers are those who can build effective working relationships. They are good communicators and are capable of influencing the attitudes and behaviors of others in the team. These managers also know that punishment has no place in teamwork. Effective managers encourage cooperation and are flexible enough to meet the objectives of a task without having to sacrifice their integrity, values and sense of fairness. Disciplining someone for the smallest inappropriate action is not the way to managing poor performance. The focus should be on removing the opportunity to repeat the same behavior rather than focusing on the precise behavior that caused the problem in the first place. For example, if a salesperson repeatedly puts off paying the bills that are owed by the company, then the manager should consider having this person fired because the company would lose money without him selling products. A focus on the behavior and consequences should be more successful in removing undesirable performance than punishments imposed on a single individual. A common mistake that many managers make when managing poor performance issues in line management is issuing punishments even if there is no requirement for such action. For example, if a salesperson routinely does late work, then he may be issued a written warning or even be asked to attend a meeting where he will be humiliated and embarrassed. Although these acts may be taken as mere punishment, they do not solve the problem because the same behavior will continue to affect the employee's performance. To manage this kind of underperformance, an individual should understand why the person is performing below expectations and then take steps to correct the problem. For example, if the salesperson routinely does late work and is told to attend a meeting, then the manager should consider having him fired because it will only worsen his performance. It is better for him to be able to change his behavior and increase his productivity. Poor communication is another common problem when managing poor performance. When lines managers are frustrated with their employees, they tend to communicate their frustration directly by making threats or telling harshly negative things about their subordinates. This may include publicly mentioning the employee's mistakes to his boss or reporting in the office newsletter that someone is not doing well. Although these actions may be justified in some cases, the manager should consider whether these actions are helping to improve the situation or worsening it. If the boss continues to express his anger to the person concerned, then the employee may feel afraid of being fired. If the boss does not know how to fix the problem or is unable to resolve it himself, then it is time to seek outside advice. It is important for managers to remember that although their actions are often motivated by their desire to improve their own job performance, they must also be mindful of the effect these actions might have on their subordinates. Many managers have been known to lose their temper when they are frustrated or disappointed. However, if this becomes an uncharacteristic behavior of a manager, then he should consider whether he is jeopardizing the company or not. A manager should try to manage his anger by talking to his colleagues, giving them advice, expressing his views or taking a break from work to talk to people who are sympathetic to his situation. There are many methods that can be used when managing poor performance and keeping everyone motivated. Like it? Share it!More by this author |