What is a Cheating Spouse Surveillance Service?

Posted by kamal on February 14th, 2015

The short and simple answer to that question is: a cheating spouse surveillance service is a special type of work provided to a man or a woman who suspects that his/her wife/husband or lover is cheating.

Now, although you can classify it as just one kind of service to determine if your suspicion is true or not, there are many ways the surveillance can be done.

For obvious reasons, you can’t be the one who’ll do the job simply because it will take a lot of time to watch and record the actions of your offending partner.

Since you probably have a daytime job, you need to ask the help of a video surveillance San Diego company to do the work for you, if you happen to reside in the locality. In fact, this is the best way you can track your “erring” partner.

It is preferable to have his/her actions video recorded so that if you are forced to sue him/her in court for judicial judgment recovery, you have the concrete proof to claim he/she has committed infidelity.

And that’s the reason you need a professional surveillance service because their investigators are equipped with the latest electronic gadgets to make fool-proof video and audio proofs.

Now, hiring a professional doesn’t mean that you will let him do the work, all by himself. You also need to know the various surveillance techniques that are effective so that you won’t be paying for an inferior surveillance service that won’t provide anything useful.

Here are some of the effective surveillance strategies used by professionals today.

Reverse Phone Lookup

Although this technique has been around for a while, it is only lately that they became viable for use by ordinary citizens. Technological advances have made it possible to develop improved services that completely changed the system of Phone Lookup.

If you can get hold of your partner’s mobile phone, or even his cell phone number, you can use a reverse phone search to get the proof that you want. It is the easiest and most convenient way of tracking your spouse’s phone activities.

This presupposes that all his communications with his/her paramour would be done through his/her cell phone, right? So if you can get his/her cellphone, you can determine if he/she is faithful or not.

Reverse Email Tracking

We are all captives of the online world. And more likely than not, your partner is too. Online commuication through email has opened the way for the expansive growth of illicit love affairs.

Just like the reverse phone look up, reverse email tracking will provide you with every public record known about an individual, in this case, your erring partner. You can get all kinds of information such as his other email accounts, social accounts, and many more.

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