When to Start Seeing a GynecologistPosted by adortalukdar on February 14th, 2015 Many women understand the place of a gynecology, but they do not actually know when it is time to start paying the gynecologist a visit. Some think the right time to start visiting is when they get pregnant and they need to register for ante natal care. While they may be right to an extent, they are not entirely right. There is more a gynecologist can do for you than management of your pregnancy. The gynecologist can also help in making the pregnancy a possibility. For example, the gynecologist can bring his expertise to bear on your situation if you are unable to get pregnant. It is not right to wait till you are you unable to get pregnant before you start paying visits to the gynecologist. The earlier you start the better. When should you start seeing a Gynecologist? A girl should start paying visits to the gynecologist from the moment she starts seeing her menstrual period. This usually falls between the ages of 13 and 15. This recommendation was made by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. There are so many reproductive health concerns a girl should worry about once she enters puberty. The gynecologist will help to forecast into the future and help to prevent any unforeseen reproductive health challenges. Some of the common health problems include ovarian tube lockage, cancer of the uterus, cervical cancer and several others. Prevention is better than cure. By seeing a gynecologist very early, such situations can be prevented to a large extent. How can they help? With the aid of the gynecologist, any future problem that may occur in your reproductive system can be prevented. If there is any problem already existing, the gynecologist will detect it and help find solution to it on time. With the aid of the gynecologist, the girl can learn a lot of things about female sexuality especially during puberty; like how her body works, questions about her period and how the reproductive system works generally. She may also learn about the mood swings experienced by women during ovulation, menstrual flow and pregnancy. Yeah, there is a host of stuffs to learn about. Other Reasons to See a Gynecologist Are you already having sex or you are planning to have sex? Then it is very important that you see a gynecologist. Are you experiencing irregular menstrual cycle or menstrual flow? A gynecologist will be your best help mate. Is your period painful or does it last for more than one week? Does your period come with heavy flow? Then the right person to see is the gynecologist. If you are experiencing any challenge related to your menstrual cycle or your sexuality as a woman, then you need to see a gynecologist. One of the best you can always put your trust in is Southlake OBGYN. Like it? Share it!More by this author |