Treating Sun Damaged Skin with a Chemical PeelPosted by adortalukdar on February 14th, 2015 There are lot of ways to correct damages caused by the sun on the skin and chemical peel is one of such. It had been used by several individuals with very good result. You too can try it out today for a long lasting positive impact on your skin. A number of dermatologists and plastic surgeons are even recommending chemical peel to patients. If the skin damage is mild, you only require a mild treatment like the chemical peel and nothing extensive. The extent of the damage goes a long way to determine how much of the chemical you have to use. The chemical must however be applied carefully because excess chemical can lead to funny downtimes. One of the most effective chemical peels used today is glycolic acid. Other very good ones are phenol peels and Obagi Blue Peel. Obagi Blue Peel is TCA-based. It is better to apply superficial peels, which may be used for up to 6 times before the desired outcome is observed. Deep application may however give the desired outcome with just one session. However, the deeper peels are associated with significant downtime. The light superficial peel can cause some redness on the skin, but the patient can return to his or her daily activities immediately after the procedure. One of the beautiful things about chemical peel procedure is that it can be carried out at home. You do not need to go to the cosmetics clinic and this will help save a lot of money. It involves very simple procedure from chemical mixing to the actual application. However, you will need the help of the dermatologist or cosmetics surgeon as regards how much chemical to use and how to do the actual application. You may get very bad result if these aspects are not handled well. The common chemicals used in chemical peel are enzyme peel, TCA, Jessners, mandelic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid and Glycolic Acid. They can be used on different skin types. The skin type on which they are to be used determines the pH and the concentration of the chemicals. You will find the chemical peel as one of the best solutions to your aging problem. It is a reliable anti-aging product. They can help to get rid of dull skin tones, crow's feet, lines as well as wrinkles. They get rid of acne; they minimize pores and remove acne scars too. About Face Medical Aesthetics is a leading aesthetic clinic and they have all it takes to transform your face from its unattractive appearance to something really attractive. Their services are handled by real experts and they have the experience to get the job done to your satisfaction. Like it? Share it!More by this author |