Posted by Star on February 21st, 2021

Australian Linen Supply is one of Australia’s leading importers and distributors of linen products that are specifically made for the hospitality sector, commercial laundry use, as well as the healthcare industries. They have an amazing supply of products that are sure to meet your needs, all while dedicating themselves to continuous approvement and strictly adhering to the health and safety of their products and services. They have a linen for every occasion, such as bed, bath, food & beverage, and spa linens. To learn more, please visit them at today! Please continue reading below to learn the benefits of restaurant table linen during COVID times.

While we often associate food safety and cleanliness as two separate issues, there can be no doubt that the benefits of restaurant table linen during a food service operation extend well beyond those issues. It is an important part of the overall strategy that is required for restaurant operations to achieve food service success. When we talk about cleanliness and hygiene management, the first high-quality linen supply and foremost factor is infection control. In the restaurant environment, where there are multiple people working in close proximity to each other, the chances of cross contamination of bacteria and virus are always a possibility. That is why it is important to implement strict sanitation measures from the very beginning.

It is the responsibility of the manager or owner of the food service operation to ensure that all staff is informed and aware of their responsibilities pertaining to sanitation and health. This is done through policies and procedures that are in place. When this policy is adhered to meticulously, it will go a long way in preventing outbreaks of disease from taking hold. Sticking to policies and procedures is only part of the entire management of food service operations; however, it is a critical aspect.

There are many benefits of restaurant table linen during COVID times that go well beyond the prevention of infections that could contribute to the spread of this illness. The most obvious benefit of all is that the hygienic and safe setting is created for the preparation of foodstuffs. When cross contamination of bacteria and viruses is not a problem, the operation will run smoothly and effectively. Further, the production of quality products will rise significantly.

In the case of cross infection of bacteria and viruses, it is often not long before the business has to deal with contaminated goods. This is not only embarrassing but also costly. Some businesses have to pass these costs on to the customers by increasing their prices on certain food items. When a food service operation operates with having to deal with cross contamination or with contaminated food, profits will generally suffer.

Another of the benefits of restaurant table linen relates to the sanitization of the work area. When cross contamination is an issue, bacteria and viruses can easily form when dirt and other materials are present on the surfaces of worktables and other surfaces in the kitchen. This can easily lead to food contamination if bacteria are allowed to multiply. When the surfaces are washed thoroughly with disinfectant and germicidal soap, the risk of infection is drastically reduced.

In the case of an outbreak of the Coronavirus, there are a number of different benefits of restaurant table linen during a food service operation that should be taken advantage of. These benefits include reducing the amount of money that can be lost due to lost sales due to cleaning, as well as the risk of infection. Once the work area is cleaned and sanitized, the workplace will be able to withstand longer periods of time before any occurrences of the virus can occur. The prevention of infections in the kitchen leads to a reduction in the cost that can be associated with reoccurring outbreaks.

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Joined: February 21st, 2021
Articles Posted: 1