Our Values: Privacy is a Human RightPosted by surfeasy on February 20th, 2015 The last year has been a particularly difficult one for those of us that value our privacy. It has seemed that almost every day, news broke of spying by the authorities, corporations, law enforcement or worse. Attacks on free speech and personal liberties have been frequent and shocking, and most worryingly of all, the internet has seemed to move towards a more controlled, more two-tiered place. So we thought it might be a good time to reassert our values as a company. 1. Privacy is a Human Right Here at SurfEasy, we believe that everyone has a right to privacy, both online and offline. We believe that no one should have access to your personal information unless you give them access to it. We believe that what you do online is your business and no one else’s. This is why we started SurfEasy in the first place; to create a simple privacy solution that worked – for all. 2. Your Safety is Our Priority The internet can be a dangerous place; as we control more and more of our lives online, the potential for theft of identity or personal and financial information grows. We use bank-grade encryption to ensure that your information is protected whenever you are using SurfEasy VPN. The security of your data is our primary concern. 3. No One Should Watch What You do Online – Even Us We believe that your online safety extends even to your interactions with us. As well as partnering with BitPay to accept Bitcoin, meaning that even your financial details can be hidden from us, we operate as a no-log VPN, meaning that we don’t store any information about you, your online browsing or you download history, except to improve service (after which, the data is discarded) or when required to by law. 4. The internet should be an equal place We don’t believe in a two-tiered internet, or a web that is preferential to some content over others. We strongly believe in an internet that’s fair; that treats all content as equal, and that allows users from across the globe to access the very best information and entertainment. Our goal is to keep you safe and secure online. Check out more about us and sign up today at surfeasy.com/register. Like it? Share it!More by this author |