3 issues you can face with a WoW private server
Posted by AxelPrice on February 26th, 2015
Paying good dollars every month to play World of Warcraft or MU Online is not something everyone looks forward to. Some gamers don’t like to pay every month and some don’t have the money to pay every month. But these games are addictive and the players don’t want to stop playing. This is the reason they flock to the private servers for playing these games. A WoW private server or an MU Online private server allows you to play these games, their special quests and achieve magical powers by not paying anything. Not bad, what do you think?
There are hundreds of private servers for the major MMORPG. Games like World of Warcraft and MU Online have millions of fans across the globe and many of them use private servers. However, some of these servers are run by those who are tech geeks and they have no clue about actually managing their servers. This is where the issue starts. Sometimes a WoW private server or an MU Online private server can be extremely frustrating for players like you. They suffer from some common symptoms.
Many of these private servers suffer from hours of downtime. When you are ready for a game and the private server is down, there cannot be anything more frustrating than that. But you cannot do anything about this issue. A possible solution is where you create different characters in different servers. So, when a particular WoW private server or MU Online private server is down, you can switch to another one that is working.
Broken quests and spells
This is another common issue that a WoW private server or an MU Online private server suffers from. Both these games thrive on quests and when some or many of them are broken, your gameplay experience is severely hampered. The same goes for the spells. You want to use a spell but you cannot. The only solution for you is to wait so that the server owner fixes it. One way to bypass this issue is to choose a different talent spec so that the working spells can be chosen.
Unprofessional admin
As mentioned above, some of the private game servers are run by juveniles. They run their own empire and don’t encourage advices and such. You chat with them and tell them something and the next thing you know, you are out of the server, completely banished. Then you need to restart your quest for finding another private server. It is actually best not to chat with the admin in most of the cases because you don’t gain anything.
So, what could be a possible solution for all these issues? The only solution is to choose from the best private servers. Visit review websites where each and every WoW private server and MU Online private server is reviewed. You will find the information that you need and also be able to gauge the popularity of a particular server. The chances are that the best servers will not have issues like the ones mentioned here.
Choosing a WoW private server or an MU online private server should be done with care because the issues with some of the servers can mark your gaming experience.