Hiring Marketing Agency

Posted by MichealH Alexander on February 23rd, 2021

To stay competitive and stretch their budget, companies are approaching their marketing strategy differently. Should they be hiring a marketing agency or expanding an in-house team? Here we explore five reasons why partnering with a modern marketing agency is the better choice. Hiring Marketing Agency

1. A Modern Marketing Agency Will Provide a Variety of Skills

2. A Marketing Agency Is Cheaper Than an Employee

3. Speed, Efficiency and Scalability

4. Enjoy the Latest Technologies – No Training Needed

5. Multiple Backgrounds, Experiences and Ideas

1. A Modern Marketing Agency Will Provide a Variety of Skills

A well-rounded marketing manager might have experience in multiple areas such as graphic design and content writing. However, finding one person that is an expert in every area of marketing will be nearly impossible, besides being extremely expensive.

Below are some of the skillsets a top marketing agency can provide:

· Content Creation

· Graphic Design

· Web Design

· Social Media

· Email Marketing

· Advertising


· Video Production

· Data Analytics

· Mobile App Development

· Public Relations

2. Hiring a Marketing Agency Is Cheaper Than an Employee

A new employee brings along fixed costs such as wages, benefits, office overhead, PTO, healthcare, and others. Those costs will exist regardless of how productive the employee is. Pay is tied to the person being at work rather than their productivity.

With a digital marketing agency, you pay for production. Idle time, talks around the water cooler, and paid holidays will be a thing of the past. The best part is that if you need less marketing assistance, you can easily scale down and pay proportionally less. Employees, on the other hand, will incur those fixed costs regardless.

3. Speed, Efficiency and Scalability

What takes a layman hours to do will take an expert just minutes. The saying rings true for marketing agencies. An expert will do the job better, faster, and more consistently.

Marketing agencies also may deploy multiple experts into a single project in order to meet a deadline. You may have multiple people in different time zones working around the clock to finish a project – flexibility which would be impossible with an in-house team.

4. Benefit from The Latest Technologies – No Training Needed

Marketing agencies buy technologies to service their many clients. Having to pay for many services for just one company will be costly.

Besides the financial burden, there are also training costs associated with these platforms. Learning how to use them and extracting the most value is essential. Digital marketing agencies will always be up to par with the latest technologies. Branding Agency San Diego

5. Multiple Backgrounds, Experiences and Ideas

More and more companies are taking advantage of brainstorm sessions to solve their problems. Having multiple people with different backgrounds, experiences and points of view will provide more ideas and a better overall solution than what a single person could. Agencies are full of diverse professionals who will provide different perspectives on problems. Using your marketing agency as an extension of your team will yield better results for your marketing efforts.

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MichealH Alexander

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MichealH Alexander
Joined: September 11th, 2019
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