How Do I Setup A ‘Work-from-Home’ Space in My House?

Posted by Josaf Mac on March 12th, 2021

Covid-19 changed the meaning of a lot of things for everyone. We experimented with a new way of living with lockdowns implemented in the entire world. And for many people, it also meant a shift in the way they work and earn a living.

The global pandemic brought our work into our homes. ‘’Work from home (WFH)’’ and ‘’Remote Working’’ became widely recognized terms. Online meetings became the norm as the usage of Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Skype sky-rocketed.

Many of us faced trouble in this transition as our homes were primarily the place of rest and comfort. Some of us still struggle with looking ‘’professional’’ enough when our workplace gets a sneak peek of our home.

Also, not having the right place to work can affect your productivity. If you work at a place that is either too loud or uncomfortable, you would not be able to concentrate on your job. You’ll get distracted easily and your job will have to take a back seat. So, it is better to specify a secluded space for your work.

Is this wall right? Am I looking too comfortable sitting on my bed? All of us have asked these questions at some point in time. Thankfully, Supreme Signature Homes is here to assist our homes to look more professionally decorated with its wide range of home decoration pieces.

So, whoever was wondering how to set up a professional ‘Work-from-Home’ space in your home, here are some useful tips and tricks:

  1. Create a Work-from-home Corner

Specify a corner of your room for your work. It shouldn’t be your bed. Use a writing table and chair in this WFH Corner to look professional as working on beds seems too laid back.

Place your computer, papers, files, and whatever stationery you require at your table for easy access. You can place bits and pieces of decoration as well, as per your liking.

  1. Your work desk doesn’t need to be boring at all

It is a work table but it doesn’t have to be too plain. Put things you like on your table. You can place fresh flowers, pictures of your family, stationery and file organizers, and whatnot.

Supreme Signature Homes have a wide variety of decoration pieces to suit your taste. Here are our two picks for your work table, directly from Supreme Signature Homes’ collection:

Vintage Typewriter IM31262

Wooden Book IM 154859

  1. What’s the time?

Being at work means constantly meeting deadlines and scheduling tasks. So what should be a better accessory than a timepiece strategically placed at your work desk? You can cross-check time and be at the top of your tasks.

Supreme Signature Homes offers you a unique accessory that is a hybrid of a clock and radio. Check it out for yourself:


  1. Light it up

Good lighting is extremely important to work properly. You don’t want your eyes to get strained due to the extensive time they are glued on screens. So, make sure that you have good lighting at the place you sit.

Make sure that you have appropriate background lighting for online meetings as well. You can buy Table Lamps if the lighting is a problem for you.

Supreme Signature Homes offer a great selection of Table and Floor Lamps. Here’s our top pick:


  1. Why should offices have all the fun?

Use colorful sticky notes to remember tasks. Use different colored pens and highlighters to avoid the boredom of blue pointers. Bonus point, if you are a doctor or a teacher, we have two special decoration pieces just for you:

Doctor Statue

Supreme Signature Homes house a great selection of modern statues for sale. This Doctor Statue is a great piece if you are a medical student or aspire to become one. If you have a doctor in the family, this statement Doctor Statue is a perfect piece.

Teacher Statue

The education sector is the one most affected due to the pandemic. Educational institutes have shifted to virtual learning programs. So, teachers have this statue on your work desk to remind you why you became an educationist in the first place. It’s tiring but it’s worth it!

  1. For all the hunger pangs

The workload can make your stomach growl for food. Sometimes while working remotely, the concept of having a break gets ignored. Meanwhile preparing a whole meal may seem like a lot during minute work breaks.

 So, for such breaks, keep a candy jar with you. Fill it up with chocolates, dry fruits, candies, or anything you like. The next time you’ll get a 10-minute break and you feel hungry, immediately reach out to this little box of happiness for instant gratification.

You might be particularly interested in Supreme Signature Homes’ Candy Jars. Have a look at this item:


  1. Low on motivation? Have this!

All of us might have felt demotivated while working at some point in time. Try putting up motivational quotes around where you work, on walls, and table. The words will help you re-energize and will maintain your motivation throughout.

Supreme Signature Homes have something that’s a perfect fit:


  1. Go Classy!

Display your artistic tastes on your work table. If you are a fan of home decoration in Pakistan, this would come easy for you. Shop for vases, plants, and any other Signature Home Products to adorn your workspace.

This Signature home collection vase might be the most elegant option for your table:


If you want to decorate the wall shows up all the time in your video meetings, wall hangings are the best choice for that. Have a look at this statement piece:


So, we have got you covered with our best ideas for professional Home Decoration. Our tips and tricks are going to be helpful in creating a good work-from-home environment. Set up your workspace like this, and we guarantee that your boss is going to ask for your recommendations on home decoration.

So, work with peace and calm at your new dedicated workspace!

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Josaf Mac

About the Author

Josaf Mac
Joined: March 11th, 2021
Articles Posted: 2

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