Tips on Hiring Remotely During COVID
Posted by Irenia Diaz on March 12th, 2021
The emergence of COVID-19 has changed different aspects of business, including hiring. With many office buildings closed and social-distancing measures in place, many firms must figure out how to hire the best people through a remote hiring process. Creating a reliable process to attract and hire the right people is not as simple as scheduling a videoconference and asking your typical interview questions. From composing the job posting to choosing the technology to use, hiring remotely will require changes. Follow these tips from hiring managers and experts who have created successful remote hiring processes.
Rethink your job posting
Your job posting is your first touchpoint with your future employees, so time and thought need to be put into it, especially when most of your hiring is happening remotely. Rather than recycling the old job posting that you have used for previous hires, approach it with a different perspective. A remote hiring consultant suggests starting your job description with challenges you expect your new employee to address. For instance, say you are writing a posting for a job that requires spending a significant amount of time on Excel. So, start the job description by transparently stating that you need someone who loves to spend most of their day in Excel. Putting the challenge first helps people self-identify with the role and you will have a better chance of attracting the ideal candidate.
Think beyond video interviews
Video interviews are not the only type of technology that can be part of remote hiring. Using the correct tools to stay organized and make the interview procedure more dynamic can make remote hiring easier. Reputed virtual firms use several tools to help improve the interview experience, including the HR software and applicant tracking system. Hiring managers request several videos from people throughout the application process because the selected candidates will be spending a lot of time on video with clients. These videos are like a little test to see how comfortable people are on camera and help the managers decide who they want to interview.
Recruiters also uses specialized software to keep track of where each applicant is in the interview process and keep the notes on each applicant organized. The software can also assist with reference checking. This tool allows them to send email surveys to authorities to get the information they need to make an informed hiring decision.
Give candidates the chance to get to know you
When potential employees come into the office for an in-person interview, they learn a lot about the company culture by meeting people and observing the office atmosphere. That doesn't happen as quickly during the hiring remotely process. During the remote-hiring procedure, the interviewers are the only experience that candidates will have with the company. Try to have the candidate meet with someone who is already working in the position they are applying to. During the interview, encourage candidates to ask questions such as what can you tell me about this job or what is a typical day like? Bring them up yourself if the candidate doesn't.
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