10 Reasons to Switch to Electronic CigarettePosted by Misty on March 12th, 2021 Electronic smoking has many advantages over traditional smoking. That is why more and more smokers are switching to electronic cigarettes, also called electric cigarettes or e-cigarettes. We have listed the top 10 reasons for switching to electronic smoking for you. E-cigarettes do not contain carcinogenic tarTraditional cigarettes not only contain carcinogenic tar, but hundreds of ingredients that are very harmful to your health. Smoking a regular cigarette releases 4,000 toxic substances, with an e-cigarette only one: nicotine. Free of carbon monoxide and nitric oxideThe carbon monoxide and nitric oxide in regular cigarettes worsen your condition and damage your arterial walls. This has a disastrous effect on your heart and blood vessels. Nitric oxide also triggers a physiological mechanism in the vessel wall that leads to atherosclerosis. E-cigarettes contain NO carbon monoxide and NO nitric oxide. You decide how much nicotine you needIf you smoke electronically, you decide whether, and if so, how much nicotine is in your e-cigarette. E-cigarettes contain a filling (called a cartridge, tank or ampoule) with liquid. You can choose from different e-liquids (fillings), so you can determine how much nicotine your e-cigarette contains. A handy way to break down your addiction. Do not produce smelly smokeThe electronic cigarette does not produce smoke. After all, no combustion takes place. The e-cigarette works on a battery. This battery supplies energy to the atomizer. The atomizer ensures that the liquid in the e-cigarette evaporates. The e-cigarette does not produce smelly smoke, but water vapor. It is not without reason that e-smoking is also called vaping. Not a fire hazardSince no combustion takes place with electronic cigarettes, there is no risk of fire. You are also free of falling ash cones that smolder ugly holes in your clothes. The e-cigarette does not burn and does not get hot. When you're done smoking, just put it away or put it in your breast pocket without any problem. Do not lead to brown teeth and yellow fingersIt is a frequently asked question from republicofvape: does an e-cigarette attack your teeth? After all, if there is anything annoying about regular cigarettes. It gives you those yellow fingers and brown teeth. You can get rid of that problem immediately with the e-cigarette. No tobacco smoke, so no nasty deposits on teeth and fingers. Much cheaperHealth benefits aside, the price of the e-cigarette is one of the most attractive reasons to switch. Because there is hardly any tax on the e-cigarette, smoking is much cheaper than smoking regular cigarettes. You pay once for the purchase of a starter kit, but after that smoking is a lot cheaper. You pay less than ten bucks on average for smoking 80 cigarettes. No need of ashtraySince electronic cigarettes do not produce ashes, the ashtray can go into the trash. No smellier cigarette butts in the room or out in the garden (in an ashtray full of rain water). Replace that dirty ashtray with a nice vase of flowers - it also looks a lot cozier. More compactSuch a pack of cigarettes or rolling tobacco often results in overfull pockets, especially with men. After all, your wallet, keys, telephone and lighter are already in it. With the e-cigarette you are done with that. You simply put it in your breast pocket after use. Nobody gets in the way. Oh, and you don't need that lighter anymore. Easy to carrySmoking is practically no longer allowed anywhere. But where can you light an electronic cigarette? It may be a threshold, but you can use the e-cigarette in many places. Ten to one that you get reactions, but the vapor from e-cigarettes is not harmful to others. Moreover, it is a good occasion for a chat. Cozy right! Like it? Share it!More by this author |