opowiadania erotyczne prawdziwe

Posted by Lippard on March 16th, 2021

Is Love at First Sight Real - SexyInsightswithDrZ

Love at first sight seems to be just very strong physical traction at first sight. Hi, my name is Dr. Zana. They, I wanted to speak with you about a phenomenon that's very well recognizable. We're to almost anyone in the Western world and beyond, but you may have experienced that yourself. And if you harbor 't, you've probably heard of it and know of it love at first sight, right?

That's something that has been a thing for a very long time. And today something like one in three people in the Western world say that they've experienced that. At least once that basically they met someone and the first time they met them, maybe not in the first second that they met them, but the first time they met the maybe spent however much time they spent together and they experienced the love at first sight.

We also know that it's kind of a good thing for a couple, that if you ask couples and established couples that who have been, that have been dating for a while, and if you ask them, did your relationship start with love at first sight or not? Those who say it started with love at first sight, tend to report better quality relationships.

And then those who don't recall having begun with love it for sites. Thus, you know, it seems like it may be a good point to have a connection beginning this manner. But We don't really much know about what this is really love.

Like, are we talking about like actual love or is this just a very strong desire or lost, or just physical attraction, which then people, once they start dating and things are going well and, and it's, you know, seemed like it's gonna work out. Tend to reinterpret what happened at their first meeting.

They they're basically projecting their very strong feelings of love, uh, currently to what they were experiencing or feeling back when they met. So, uh, there is a new study that recently got published in the academic literature that looked at Lubbock for sight and how common it may be when people meet somebody.

And then how that might differ in terms of the quality of feeling that people are experiencing compared to actual love that people experience, uh, towards the partners that they're dating on a more, yeah, on a more regular basis.

And there is no one, like the definition of love it is there, there are many different ways to define love or another way to think about it. Is there different types of love that people can experience?

Yeah. And then commitment is more of a decision. And so, depending on the amount of each of these three components that is present in our feelings for somebody, we can talk about different types of love.

So for example, the, the, the, the, the love that we all strive to achieve in our romantic relationships is the one that has very high levels of all three of passion, intimacy, and commitment, and that we call consummate love. All right then, but, but unfortunately we don't always have that in our romantic relationships, whether in the start or in the future, we end up in relationships which might have a bit less of some of these components than other components.

For example, a very typical experience for a lot of people is what we call company at love. The love that has high intimacy, high commitment. This is someone that you are feeling very closely connected to quite dedicated, to staying in a connection with, however there's not a great deal of passion. And that quite often occurs to amorous relationships over time after people have gone through, you know, a few years or possibly decades of, of being together and the passion has sort of subsided, but the closeness and devotion have remained high.

Another kind of love is empty love, for instance, which has high devotion. To be with somebody, but no passion, no intimacy. For example, uh, arranged marriages when they begin. They can have this, this caliber since these people don't really know each other. They can possibly have a lot of intimacy. They don't necessarily have a great deal of passion.

They may have never been observed each other before seen each other once without lots of, you know, fire, sparks, uh, happening, but their families have. Decided that they should be together. They have committed to minding their family's fantasies and they're very committed to staying together and constructing a family together and that, even though there's no passionate intimacy, that doesn't mean that that passionate intimacy can't happen afterwards.

But at the beginning, it's 's exactly what we call empty adore. Okay. So these are some of the types. Again, you have nine different combinations. If you know, these two are high or low, and this can be low and, and, and so on, but. If we're considering what love at first sight could be. It's kind of unlikely that you'd have high intimacy.

It's also sort of improbable that you would have high commitment because those things usually take a very long time to develop. They're not instantaneous. However, the passion component could be potentially instantaneous. You see someone and then the passion component is sexual desire mixed in with. George someone attractive or that you find attractive mixed in with all the halo effect that people add to appealing people.

The, the halo effect of positiveness we add to people we believe are hot. Like we, for no specific reason other than those people are hot. We believe they're also fantastic people and intelligent and competent and nice and caring and compassionate and blah, blah, blah, all these other things we have a tendency https://shanegqbe094.edublogs.org/2021/03/14/prawdziwe-historie-erotyczne/ to assign to good-looking people, even when they overlook 't deserve it, just because they're good looking so.

That initial passion could potentially be a combination of these things. So maybe what we're seeing in love at first sight is this very high passion, relatively low intimacy and commitment, which is also the infatuation type of love that people experienced in the early stages of love. When they're just kind of getting to know each other when there's really high craving.

Four. So high passion, high sexual desire, high, high craving for closeness with this person, even though you don't necessarily understand each other really well. So that the closeness and the commitment to be with each other isn't in a super high level. So, okay. All this is, is an intro into, uh, this study that has been looking at.

What kind of qualities does that experience of love at first sight have and how comparable is that to the love people report towards long-term partners? So what this group of Dutch researchers did, they surveyed, um, almost 400 Dutch and German young people. Across three separate studies in the initial two research participants were introduced with photos of six to nine people they were assumed to imagine meeting at a speed dating event.

And then they asked the response to what extent did they felt love at first sight and the 3 adore elements towards every one of these photos and also to potential real people. And those participants who were in long-term relationships were also requested to report on how much love and, and across these three elements, they believed for their existing partner.

And then in study three, the researchers really organized. Three different real life dating occasions. One was a conventional speed dating event. One was a pub hopping occasion where a lot of those new people that were going to meet each other, uh, when from bar to bar and invested I don't know, like an hour or 20 minutes to something at, um, at the different, um, at the different bars, getting to know each other.

And then there was another kind of social gathering event where people kind of met new people over food and drinks and. Yeah, these, these were all single participants that got to meet other participants who were hopefully looking for, uh, partners of some kind interacted with them for a little while.

And then they answered the same questions about whether they experience love at first sight and also the, the different components of passion, intimacy, and commitment, and that they felt towards each of the people that they got to interact with personally. So across the three studies across the almost 400 participants that they had, um, asked both the online and the offline studies.

Love at first sight was reported 49 times by 32 different individuals that makes up about 8% of the total sample of participants because right. People could have, um, in each study participants. So, uh, photo photos of, uh, of, um, more than one person or interacted in real life with more than one person. So they could have potentially experienced love at first sight or thought they experience love it for side for more than one person.

So. They, um, about 8% of the participants experienced love at first sight. And remember for some of these people, all they did was they just saw a photo of someone and were asked to imagine meeting this person at a speed dating event. Whereas some of these other people actually met people in person and got to interact with them in person, but even so it's pretty remarkable that even at this very basic level of.

Knowledge or interaction with somebody else, even through just a photo. Seeing a photo of them is enough to trigger the sense of love at first sight in a small percentage of participants in this particular study. So some people definitely feel love it for side, for someone that they barely know. Yeah. An interesting side note and perhaps a sad side note is that of all of those people in the, in the real life interaction study that reported love at first sight for somebody that they interacted with, none of

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