Answering Interesting Questions about Rejuran Healer in Singapore

Posted by nishimj on March 16th, 2021

Rejuran Healer is an innovative skin injectable product offered by The Artisan Clinic in Singapore. Also known as the “baby skin booster”, Rejuran Healer lives up to its name as a catch-all skin healing and regeneration treatment by providing customers with a safe and satisfying solution for their skin’s needs.

Have you ever wondered how your favorite celebrities’ skin looks as if it's made of porcelain? Or how your favorite K-pop idol still looks so fresh even after a heart-stopping performance? Well for one, they have access to the best skincare solutions that the world can offer, as well as top-notch doctors, trainers, and nutritionists that monitor their health 24/7.

You might think it’s impossible to get your skin looking similar to that of your idols. Well, guess what? Rejuran Healer might just be the skin elixir you’ve been looking for.

Rejuran Healer? What is that?

Its main component is polynucleotide, which is extracted from salmon DNA, and is thus a biocompatible substance that can be absorbed readily by our skin.

Rejuran Healer is injected into the skin through microinjections which are done manually with a microinjection syringe, or with the help of a specialized microinjection gun. These microinjections target the inner skin layer (dermis) and stimulate the skin’s natural healing properties by telling it to produce more collagen.

As its name suggests, Rejuran Healer is recommended by doctors and clinics in situations wherein the patient’s skin needs to heal or repair itself, such as in the case when there are acne scars. It is also very effective in providing additional protection to the skin and also improves the elasticity of the skin.

Are you suited to receive Rejuran Healer treatments?

Basically, anybody can receive Rejuran Healer treatment injections, including you. If you are looking for a way to get rid of your wrinkles, acne scars or loose skin, then Rejuran Healer is one of the best options available here in Singapore. Whether you’re a man or a woman, you can get the treatment if you’re concerned about visible signs of aging. Even if you are still young and have no signs of aging yet, you can still get Rejuran Healer to help keep your skin looking fresh whilst protecting it.

How many treatment sessions are recommended?

Doctors usually recommend patients to get at least 2 to 3 sessions of the Rejuran Healer treatment at dates spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart. This is to ensure that the full effects of the treatment is observed by the patient. If used to treat deep acne scarring, more frequent sessions may be scheduled by your doctor.

This treatment plan isn’t set in stone though, as a lot of times doctors will schedule these sessions on a case-to-case basis. This is because every person heals and reacts to the treatment differently, and what may be a good treatment plan for one person may not be the same for another.

Is the treatment a painful one?

No it’s not. There might be some slight discomfort, but the microinjections are administered painlessly. This is because a part of the procedure is the application of a special numbing cream over the treatment area. This will in turn numb any discomfort or pain that you may feel from a microinjection. Many women even say that having their eyebrows threaded was a more painful experience. The microinjections will feel similar to the feeling of being slightly pricked - surprising at first, but you get used to it.

Will a local anesthetic be needed for the treatment?

Numbing cream is usually enough to get rid of the pain from the injections. However, each person has his/her own threshold for pain, so if you feel like you can’t withstand the discomfort, don’t hesitate to tell your doctor about it.

Will it really take at least a week of downtime to recover from the Rejuran Healer treatment?

It usually doesn’t take that long to recover from the procedure. In fact, many people who’ve had the treatment can go back to their regular activities immediately after the injections, as long as the side effects (swelling or redness) do not interfere. These side effects usually disappear within 2 to 3 days, not at least a week.

What’s the difference between this and Botox?

Botox is a completely different product. It is a common misconception that any skin injectable is just a variant of Botox, however they are made up of two completely different components. Botox is usually used to treat wrinkles, while Rejuran Healer is focused on rejuvenating the skin and letting its natural healing process do the repairing.

Can I receive other cosmetic procedures with Rejuran Healer?

Yes! Rejuran Healer works even better if combined with other treatments like Skinboosters. In fact, many doctors offer a combination of these two treatments to patients due to them complementing each other. While Rejuran Healer works to heal and increase collagen production of the skin, Skinboosters will give your skin that instant volume and hydration that it needs.

Is the treatment worth it?

There’s a reason why Rejuran Healer has become very popular here in Singapore - it just works. Many people have testified to the effectiveness of the treatment, especially when combined with Skinboosters and is a great option for those who are not comfortable going under the knife.

Although several alternative treatments exist for skin repair and protection, Rejuran Healer is one of the few treatments that are minimally invasive to the skin. Other procedures like skin grafting and punch excision will need that the doctor perform some sort of incision on your skin.

Rejuran Healer also ensures that your skin not only improves its outside appearance, but within as well. Collagen is the main protein in our skin that serves as a sort of armor that keeps your skin firm and tight. Even if your skin looks good from the outside, it might still go back to its previous state if there is no added collagen production.

Overall, it’s best to do your own research before undergoing the treatment. Ask someone you know who has had the treatment and always look for a doctor or clinic with a good track record. Doing your due diligence will make the whole experience worth it.

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