How To Use Google Search Console To Drive More Search Traffic

Posted by First DigiAdd on March 16th, 2021

On the front lines of the struggle for SEO is Google Search Console (GSC), an incredible tool that makes you visible on search engine results pages (SERPs) and provides in-depth analysis of web traffic being headed to your door and it does all of this for free.

What Is Google Search Console (GSC)?

Created by Google, Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) initially targeted webmasters. It is the cutting edge tool widely used by a digital marketing company, a group of digital marketers, web designers, application developers, SEO specialists, and business entrepreneurs that are diversifying exponentially.

To Get Started, Follow These Steps:

  • Verify site ownership. Get access to all the information that Search Console makes available. Learn more about verifying ownership of your site.

  • The index coverage report gives you an overview of all the pages that Google indexed or attempted to index on your website. Review the available list and try to correct any errors and warnings on the page.

  • Review the mobile usability errors Google found on your site. The mobile usability report shows issues that can affect your users' experience while browsing your site on a mobile device.

  • Consider submitting a sitemap to Search Console. Google can discover pages on your site without this step. However, submitting a sitemap through Search Console can speed up the discovery of your site.

  • Monitor your site's performance. The search performance report shows the amount of traffic you receive from Google Search, including a breakdown by query, page, and country.

How Google Search Works

Google gets information from many different sources, including:


User-submitted content, such as Google My Business and Maps user submissions,

Book scanning,

Public databases on the Internet,

and many other sources.

The short version

Google follows three basic steps to create results from web pages:


The first step is to find out what pages exist on the web. Some webpages are known because Google has already visited them before. Other pages are established when Google follows a link from a known page to a new page. Other pages are established when a website owner submits a list of pages (a sitemap) for Google to crawl. If you are using a managed web server, such as Wix or Blogger, they may tell Google to crawl the new or updated pages that you create.

To Improve The Crawling Of Your Site:

Verify that Google can access the pages on your site and that they look correct. Google accesses the web as an anonymous user. Google should also be able to see all the images and other elements on the page to understand it correctly.

If you have created or updated a single page, you can submit an individual URL to Google. To inform Google about many new or updated pages at once, use a sitemap.

To motivate full site crawling, make sure your home page (and all pages) contain a good site navigation system that links to all important sections and pages of your site;

Make your page link to another page that Google already knows about. However, please note that links in ads, links you pay for on other sites, links in comments, or other links that do not follow Google's Webmaster Guidelines will not be followed by Google.


Once a page is discovered, Google tries to understand what it is about. This process is called indexing. Google examines the content of the page, catalogs images and video files embedded in the page, and otherwise tries to understand the page.

To improve the indexing of your page:

Create short and meaningful page titles.

Use page titles that convey the theme of the page.

Use text instead of images to convey content. 

Serving (and ranking)

When a user types a question, Google tries to seek out the foremost relevant answer from its index that supports many factors. Google tries to determine the highest quality responses and takes into account other considerations that will provide the best user experience and the most appropriate response, considering things like location, language, and the user's device (desktop or phone).

To improve your service and ranking:

Make your page load fast and mobile-friendly.

Put useful content on your page and keep it up so far.

Follow the Google Webmaster Guidelines, which help ensure an honest user experience.

Read more tips and best practices in our SEO  guide.

You can find more information here, including the guidelines we provide to our quality raters to make sure we are delivering good results.

These Are The Benefits.

1. Improve Search Engine Visibility

Have you ever had the feeling that you have done everything you were asked to do to create a great website, but cannot be located by the important people with a simple search? Search Console informs Google that you are online.

2. The virtual Image Remains Current And Up-To-Date.

When you fix broken links and coding problems, Search Console helps you update the changes in such a way that Google search indicates an accurate snapshot of your site.

3. Keywords Are Better Optimized To Attract Traffic.

Wouldn't you agree that knowing what draws people to your website can help you create a better user experience? Search Console opens a window with the keywords and key phrases that folks frequently use to access your site. 

4. Security Against Cyber Threats

Can you expect to grow your business without adequate protection against external threats? Search Console helps you create efficient protection against malware and spam, protecting your growing business against cyber threats.

5. Content Ranks High In Rich Results

Simply being listed in a search result is not enough. How effectively do your pages convert to Google Rich Results? These are the cards and snippets that contain tons of information like ratings, reviews, and just about any information that results in a better user experience for people searching for it. 

6. The Site Is Better Equipped or AMP Compliance

You probably know that mobile compatibility has become a ranking parameter in search engines. This means that the faster your pages load, the more user-friendly it is considered to be. The solution is to adopt Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), and Search Console helpfully points you to the areas where 

7. Backlink Analysis

Backlinks, the websites that link to your website give Google an indication of how popular your site is; how worthy you are to be quoted. With Search Console, you get an overview of all the websites that link to you and get a deeper insight into what motivates and maintains your popularity.



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First DigiAdd

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First DigiAdd
Joined: December 28th, 2020
Articles Posted: 24

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