How About Indulging Your Sweet Tooth This Lockdown Season?

Posted by Liz Seyi on March 17th, 2021

Yes, yes, we know what you’re thinking: are lockdowns really so common these days that there’s now a whole ‘season’ for them? Hopefully, that won’t be the case in the slightly longer term – but for now, a lot of us are stuck spending much more time at home than we wish we were. 

So, what’s to be done about it? Well, since you’re probably doing a fair bit of online shopping now anyway amid the latest lockdown restrictions in the UK, what about getting ‘stuck’ into some confectionery? By that, we mean both old favourites and some new discoveries you’re unlikely to come across at the supermarket, ranging from handmade boiled sweets to classic chocolates. 

Yep, we’re into all things ‘sweet’ this season here at Zawzor! So, what are some of the quirky sweets, chocolates and other treats in stock in our store right now? 

Bringing back those ‘school lunch box’ days 

Let’s face it – we could all do with a bit of escapism now, and for you, that might mean getting in touch with your inner 10-year-old. 

Our sweets and chocolates section could be the perfect place to look first for familiar much-loved treats and lunch-box inclusions ranging from Bonds of London Dairy Toffee and Fox’s Glacier Mints to Mallow Cat Lollies and even Bassett’s Liquorice Allsorts. 

And yes, we know we offer the latter in much bigger jars than you probably ever even saw in your childhood. But you do deserve to treat and indulge yourself a bit, right? 

Did someone say ‘handmade boiled sweets’? 

Yes, that was us! And while we don’t recommend trying to stuff as many as possible at once into your gob as you might have done when you were a kid, we still offer all of the sweets that allow you to relive some of that old magic. 

That might mean grabbing some of the iconic striped black-and-white mints that we all now know as Everton mints (their name and colouring inspired by the Liverpool football club near which they were first produced), or even helping yourself to some of the sugar-free sweets from our range.

Our favourite flavours of the latter include the likes of sherbet lemon, strawberries and cream, and rhubarb and custard – although naturally, there are many more varieties to discover in our store. 

Sample all manner of delicious spoon sweets 

Finally, let’s look at something a little different again, in the jar-shaped form of the traditional fruit confectionery known as spoon sweets. 

These are delicious desserts that consist of fruits stewed with sugar and preserved. They lend themselves to all manner of serving suggestions – including with ice cream and yoghurt – and here at Zawzor, you can take your pick from the likes of fig spoon sweets, citrus spoon sweets and even walnut spoon sweets from the Katerina brand. 


There you have it! While the above is certainly not an exhaustive rundown of the many sweet delights we can bring you at Zawzor right now – for the latest available, we’d urge you to browse our complete range – it should hopefully give you an indication of what sweet, sweet indulgence we can make possible for you this lockdown. 

Our stocks aren’t infinite, though! So, make sure you nab the sweets you fancy as soon as you see them in our store. 

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Liz Seyi

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Liz Seyi
Joined: August 13th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1,445

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