News in Middle East affecting world economies
Posted by AxelPrice on May 8th, 2015
News in Middle East, as per an expert commentator, has destabilized world economy for more than 20 times since 1990. It all started with CNN breaking news on the launch of Operation Desert Storm. Anbar Clashes in 2013 was again another such event the changed the course of world economy. With both major and minor political and military disruptions in the Middle East oil price has gone through great upheaval causing flutters in many sectors. Experts have found a pattern in this price rise as well, thereby predicting the future trends. It has been noted that, on an average, oil prices have risen steadily in the first week after the crisis touching its peak somewhere after three months, reaching almost at a higher price of 10%.
So, if you observe that oil is trading at 6 per barrel now it will reach around 2 within 3 months. CNN breaking news clearly indicates this pattern and predicts the impact it is going to create on other economical parameters across the globe. It has also been observed that news in Middle East have had major influence on large, developed OECD countries being the largest consumers of oil. Pundits now, however, have identified another trend in which non-OECD or developing countries have received the impact more than developed countries in last two-three years, which is a direct reflection of change in oil consumption patterns.
In the United States rising oil price influenced overall consumer spending. But, you must now watch out for expert opinions published at independent news portals where alternative opinion on CNN breaking news finds its strong presence. If you scan through such opinion you will find that it does not affect the consumer spending as dramatically as was the case in the past. A considerable increase in domestic oil production along with a steady decline in oil consumption have somewhat buffered the effect of rise in oil price. News in Middle East, naturally, has now different kind of impact on the country’s economic and political situation.
If a news in Middle East indicates a possible supply disruption of oil it will now have more of global than local impact. Industry experts now watch out for CNN breaking news and its explanations from more than one source where multiple experts air their opinion in most uninhibited way. People concerned with national economic security issues now pay more attention to such independent views as opposed to joining the bandwagon.
CNN breaking news will tell you how the situation in Iraq is changing every day. News in Middle East, at the same time, is creating fragility in the political and economic environment worldwide. In this situation we must have some source that is not scared to publish valid, alternate opinion so that one can form his or her independent judgment and utilize it in correct decision making. The upward push in oil price affects multiple economic zone and market. But, what we must not forget is the volatility associated with oil price and keep a constant watch on the latest news and developments so that we can use our resources judiciously.
CNN breaking news and news in Middle East create different economic impacts for different countries and cannot be dealt with ‘one-solution-fits-all’ strategy.