FAMILY LAWPosted by Vernita on March 23rd, 2021 Family law is an area of the criminal law, which mainly deals with domestic affairs and family related issues. The family courts deal with all kinds of family-related issues such as marriage, divorce, adoption, child custody and even spousal and child abuse. The family courts are specialized in a number of areas of family-related law including civil law, criminal law and even family issues such as adoption or prenuptial agreement. There are two distinct types of family relationships that fall under the family law area of practice area. These include Civil and Divorced Relationships and Adoption/maternity. Civil relations are between adults who have got married and have reached legal age. On the other hand, in case of Adoption/maternity, the mother or father or the guardians of the child is considered as the legal party. Civil matters that fall under family relationships include, but not family law limited to, divorce, separation, annulment, and marital dissolution. Adoption is the term used for the process of making a child available for adoption by another family. This happens when there is a dispute over the lawful custody of the child or children. It may also happen if there is a dispute over the legitimacy of one or both parents. Civil matters that fall under family law include all civil matters between adults of which marriage is a form. There is also the issue of slavery or involuntary servitude. Such cases in which one or both of the parties are considered the legal spouse are referred to as prenuptial or matrimonial. Matrimonial and common law marriages also fall under family law. When it comes to issues of divorce and annulment, both parties are considered to be an aggrieved party, and they may file their own lawsuits. In case of an annulment, there will not be a requirement for the submission of proofs for the same. If you need help with family law, you can contact the local court. There is also the option of approaching a family law facilitator who will provide you with free legal advice. Many facilitators offer free consultations for couples who need help filing for a divorce. For those who may not be aware of the laws that govern their state, you can seek the help of your attorney who will educate you about the legalities involved in filing for a divorce. A collaborative law will require you to fill out forms that need to be filed with the court and then submit it along with relevant supporting documents. Under family law, there are two important issues that come into play after marriage: namely, paternity and maternity. Paternity refers to the mother's right to claim her biological father's rights. Maternity involves issues pertaining to the financial and physical care of the newborn child. If either of the partners is found to be the biological father of the child, they have the right to file for custody of the child, unless proven otherwise through DNA tests. If you are looking for an excellent attorney for family law, look no further than The Law Offices of Brandon C. Mayberry. In addition to family law, their office also specializes in personal injury, criminal defense, and real estate. Visit their website at to set up an appointment today. You will be happy that you did! Like it? Share it! |