Cork Flooring the Right Choice for Your Bathroom

Posted by Vikram Kumar on May 14th, 2015

Making the right choice for your bathroom flooring requires various considerations. Whichever way your flooring needs to hand a huge amount of water which keeps pouring all the time. Secondly you will also need flooring which is relatively easy to clean. In the past people have always preferred ceramic tiles yet there is a better solution. Consider cork flooring reviews bathroom and have the perfect tiles which are durable and water proof as well. There are just so many advantages of cork flooring for your bathroom. All in all cork is highly resistant to many factors which lead to destruction of floors in bathrooms.

How to Install the Cork Tiles

Most manufacturers make cork tiles in 12 inch squares. If you want to install the tiles well ensure you prepare the surface well beforehand. Keep it as clean as possible and dry the surface. Also make sure it is absolutely even and of either concrete sub-floor or hardwood. For concrete floors it is better to repair damage and ensure they are dry as well. Ensure the doorframe is at a level which can allow cork tiles to fit. A layer of primer should be there just in case of a glued installation.

On the other hand if an installation is to be done on wood it has to be leveled. Waterproof sheets must also be used to cover ground and the wooden floor has to be dry as well. Irregularities on a floor would show up on the cork surface so ensure they are not there at all. Take the tiles through a process of acclimatization which will make them sustain the usually room temperature. The process should take some days. Most people prefer floating floors because they are generally easier to install.

Always ensure you get cork tiles which are most pleasing to you. They often come in numerous shapes and sizes. Cork flooring reviews for bathroom also have it that you get colorful tiles which will reflect the right mood you want. You can then apply the adhesive carefully as you allow it to dry. Once you apply each cork tile ensure you apply enough amount of pressure just so they can look smooth and leveled once you are done. In most instances you will have manufacturer’s instructions on the packages. Just before you apply the sealer roll the floor using a roller. The amount of time required to dry the floor will depend on where you live. Finally use the polyurethane cleaner to tidy everything.

Once you install cork tiles you will never regret that choice. Now you can always think of cork when you need bathroom tiles. They are comfortable and environmental friendly. They have a perfect structure which is also composed of air. Comfort ability is ensuring by air which composes 90% of cork. The air acts to cushion your feet from pressure points and ensuring that you don’t have pains at all. The can also compress easily making durable and without damage as well.

Resource Box
Apart from flooring reviews bathroom, cork tiles are also ideal for kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms. Get to know more about flooring using cork in icorkfloor. Guidelines for how to install and where to make placements also vary depending on the exact area or traffic. The site will also see you ensure you install cork floors which will last a lifetime.

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Vikram Kumar

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Vikram Kumar
Joined: March 6th, 2014
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