Want To Have A Glowing Skin In No Time? Here are Are 5 Best Natural Remedies

Posted by Shahnaz Husain on March 24th, 2021

Many ayurvedic brands in India cater to this need by providing various herbal blends certified and organic. Following their footsteps, we bring you some great tips and tricks to get a natural glow with the five best natural remedies, irrespective of the time you have: months, weeks, days, overnight, or even instantly!

  1. Eat Food Rich in Antioxidants

Remember when our mothers force-fed us fruits and stuff, and all we wanted to do was run for our lives! Well, run back to that practice because that's what's going to save you today. What we eat has a direct effect on our bodies and skin. Include berries, grapes, dry fruits, and salads that are rich in polyphenols such as ellagic acid and resveratrol in your diet. Incorporate these in your breakfast, lunch, salads, or simply as snacks alone, but strictly daily. Research shows that these types of antioxidants help in anti-aging and UV damage, such as hyperpigmentation.


  1. Give Yourself A Face Massage Daily

Massaging has more benefits than just relaxing your muscles. It can also improve the quality of blood that flows in and out of our facial veins. Inflammation, pigmentation, fine lines, and sagging are some such problems that can be fixed efficiently with a daily face massage. It uplifts your face muscles and your mood, giving you a healthy glow from the inside out. Practices like Gua Sha and Jade or Rose Quartz rollers are hype these days, giving promising results to their users.

  1. DIY Your Way Through It!

Now we all know that Ubtan, our mums scrubbed us with after a Holi celebration! What we may have missed was the glow and vibrancy our skins showed for days after. Homemade face masks are a great way to fix pigmentation, dullness, and fatigue, instantly but temporarily. The easiest but the most potent of them all is a quick mung bean face mask. All you need is:

  •        A pinch of turmeric powder
  •        ½ tbsp mung bean powder
  •        1 tbsp raw milk
  •        1 tbsp curd

Mix all of it in a bowl and slather it on your face and neck; wait till it dries completely. Now gently wash it with water, all the while giving yourself a little scrub. And voila! Radiance is at its peak. You can also find readymade ubtans and face masks in the market.

  1. Hydrate from Within

The good old H2O! Proper hydration is directly proportional to skin cell regeneration. And we all want healthy, juicy-looking cells to replace the old parched ones. Aim for eight to ten cups of water a day. Better yet, pamper yourself with some lemon and mint water or simply fruit-infused water to get even better results!


  1. Protect Your Skin

When you work so hard on achieving that glow, you want to preserve it with your dear life! Sunscreens and other brightening ingredients such as vitamin C and Niacinamide should be on your go-to list.



Healthy skin will have the radiance of the brightest stars! Achieving it may take time, and preserving it may take even longer, but it's all worthwhile when compliments are showered upon you from every corner. The task is made a bit easier to manage with brands creating natural products for skin in India, with certified and organic ingredients which are potent and practical at the same time. All there's left to do is get that glow back on!

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Shahnaz Husain

About the Author

Shahnaz Husain
Joined: March 19th, 2021
Articles Posted: 4

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