How Do Some People Tend To Fall Into Depression Trap More Easily?: Experts View

Posted by Hazel Clark on March 25th, 2021

We all have tendencies, a particular way of responding to situations, the way we perceive things, and how we choose to react to them at that moment. Owing to each person’s unique traits, depression comes in like a sneaky little devil. In most cases, people undergoing some mental stress tend to show some common affinities and habits that make them more prone to falling into depression. After going through multiple resources from the best therapists in Washington, DC, there are some common tendencies that one needs to watch over and take action against.

#1 Social Withdrawal

Whenever things get challenging and seemingly out of control, the most common tendency is to pull away from social gatherings and avoid people interaction. Social isolation and shutting down are probably the worst things to do to themselves. It only magnifies the brain’s stress response and makes one feel just lonelier.

#2 Mental Rumination

People with tendencies towards perfectionism and self-doubt are more likely to fall into the depression trap. Rumination involves:

  • Indulging in brooding.
  • Catastrophizing the future.
  • Black-and-white thinking.
  • Overgeneralizing outcomes in every scenario.

As per one of the best therapists in Washington, DC, rumination leads to the eternal cycle of negative self-talk. It’s good to be critical towards oneself as it ensures growth. However, one needs to know when and where to stop. If you feel you are going overboard, talk to your friends and family regarding your situation before jumping to any conclusion. 

#3 Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

Its very natural for people with depression to turn to unhealthy and toxic coping mechanisms such as drug and substance abuse, smoking, or drinking alcohol. Unbeknownst to the consequences, the person only adds to his/ her problems and worsens the trigger responses. Alcohol might relieve anxiety for a while, but it eventually negatively impacts the central nervous system with a further depressing effect.

#4 Ditching Exercise and Self-Care

Skipping exercise, not grooming, avoiding showers, or any form of self-care activity is another prominent sign that a person is undergoing a mental trauma. People with depression also stop caring about their dietary habits start binging on high-calorie junk and carbs to get a sugar rush.

So, What’s the Remedy?

Some people tend to be more intuitive, temperamental, and receptive to their external environment. Before deducing and passing judgments against these tendencies, it is essential to normalize experiencing fear, anxiety, confusion, and self-doubt. It’s just that some of us need to develop better ways of dealing with them. If you see your loved ones struggling, reach out to them and recommend a list of the best therapists in Washington, DC. In most cases, all they want is to be heard. So, make sure you are there to listen.


Author’s Bio: The author is an avid blogger and the article talks about common tendencies that make people more susceptible to depression.

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Hazel Clark

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Hazel Clark
Joined: March 25th, 2021
Articles Posted: 3

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