Personal Branding on Instagram: How-To Guide

Posted by Evie Sky on March 25th, 2021

More than 2 billion people use social media. That’s a huge audience just waiting to get to know you. And Instagram just happens to be on one of the social media platforms with one of the largest user bases in the world. Instagram is a visual heave social platform. Photos, videos, photo posts, and all other types of photo-heavy content are regularly liked, commented on, and shared by millions of people around the world. If you’re looking for a place to promote your personal brand, then Instagram it. So how do you build your personal brand on a platform full of users trying to do the same?

Be yourself

It is quite well known that people tend to lie on social media. However, Instagram followers don’t want to lie. Think about it, do you want to personally contact and endorse people who lie to you? Authenticity is a key factor in launching your personal brand on Instagram. If you want new Instagram followers, receive Instagram likes, or Instagram comments, then you need to allow people to recognize the real you. Now that doesn’t mean you go online and post pictures of what you have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Unless you run a cooking-based account, then, by all means, find it! All you have to do is reveal parts of your true identity on Instagram. Let’s say you run a fitness account. Do you prefer one specific workout routine to others? Rave about it. Maybe you run a skincare account. Then let people know what motivated you to start your account and why you prefer some skincare products over others. Use the Instagram Live feature to have a direct conversation with your Instagram followers. Before you know it, you’re already a long way toward building brand loyalty.

Stick to Your Theme

There’s nothing more confusing than following a fitness account on Instagram only to discover that they’ve posted travel photos over the past three months. Remember, if people want to follow a travel account, then there are many accounts that are easily available on Instagram. Sticking to the main theme is also similar to maintaining your brand authenticity. If you run a fitness account, your posts should be focused on fitness. If you run a cooking account, your posts should be about food and recipes. Why? Because this is what people see in your account? Changing content without sticking to the theme can be confusing and confusing the original purpose behind the account.

Use Geotagging

When people start getting to know you, they may want to get to know you. Ever wanted to meet your favorite celebrities and influencers? As a plus point, restaurants, businesses, and stores you’ve geotagged can also start promoting you as well.  And you can use it to create fan profiles as well!

Avoid Instagram Filters

As a visually heavy website, it goes without saying that high-quality photos and videos are necessary to find any kind of success on Instagram. Where many content creators make a mistake, they try to cover up a bad image by using platform filters. It doesn’t help the picture, and it usually looks like a bad job at gloss. Instead, you can use various apps and even Photoshop to edit your photos before you post them. Before you know it, you’ll get more Instagram likes, Instagram comments, and even Instagram followers. A properly accounted for is always good for your personal brand.

Reply to Comments

When you start, you’ll probably get fifty comments per post. At this stage, you can respond to every comment on Instagram. This will help you build a personal connection with your Instagram followers. A great way to get free followers on Instagram is by actively interacting with them as often as possible. As your personal brand grows and the number of your Instagram followers reaches tens of thousands, you can no longer do it. And that’s exactly why you should use interacting with your Instagram followers by responding to Instagram comments earlier on.

Large Brands

When you tag a larger brand or account related to your channel, your content will also reach their Instagram followers. This will help you easily reach thousands of other users and generate free Instagram followers. You can even get free Instagram likes if your audience likes your content.


Building a personal brand on Instagram takes time. But by following these steps, you will be well on your way to building your personal brand. A faster way to gain success is by getting free Instagram followers, and free Instagram likes. When people see that your account has a large number of Instagram followers and likes Instagram, they are more likely to follow your account. Get free Instagram followers and free Instagram likes and watches your personal brand grow fast on Instagram!

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Evie Sky

About the Author

Evie Sky
Joined: March 25th, 2021
Articles Posted: 5

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