How to find a life partner from a marriage bureau or matrimony sites?

Posted by Nikol on March 25th, 2021

Finding a life partner is not easy. You have to look high and low for that perfect person you have chemistry with, and who you know you want in your life forever.

This is why it is best that you apply yourself on different matrimonial platforms in order to have a larger pool to pick from. You never what corner of the country your future spouse might be stuck in. and different matrimonial venues have made it easier to pick from.

This is why today, we are talking about different ways you cannot only find the right person for yourself but also conduct yourself in a way that would allow you to fulfill your goal.

First let us talk about venues you can access to look for a spouse. Lucky for us, we have multiple options to look for a rishta through.

It is advisable that you make use of all of these options, because you never know which one might work out for you. Here are some popular spouse search options you can pick from:

Spouse Search Venues:


This is a pretty obvious choice. We are pretty close to our relatives and also trust them, well most of them. They have known us all of our lives, and so they know the exact person we like and whom we cannot settle with.

They would also have a large circle of friends who would have adult children, whom your relative can reach out with your profile.

It would be easier for you to trust this family because your relative or their friend would have known them for a while.

This way you can know the family’s history and personality. A lot of relatives have known certain families for as long as they can remember and so they have possibly even seen the potential partner grow up in front of them. This will allow them to deliver a proper perspective on the potential spouse’s personality.

Marriage events:

These are great if you want to meet someone face to face right off the bat. When you meet someone in person you are able to properly gauge what their personality is like, and how your chemistry runs with each other.

Marriage events will allow you to meet several people at once and you can easily analyze whom you would like to know more and who you will need to excuse yourself from. This would also cut out the time wasted on first speaking to someone online and then deciding to meet up with them.

Marriage bureau:

Rishta aunties have always had a bad reputation of being nosy and condescending. But a lot of matchmakers are taking a more business-like approach by setting up their own marriage bureaus in different parts of the country.

You can just approach them whenever you want, speak to them about what you are looking for in an ideal partner, and fill out a form with all your details. They have an influx of clients coming in day and night, which they will use to find you someone who fits your criteria.

Other than that, they have a web of contacts all over the country, and even world, which they use to find profiles that fit your requests.

Matrimonial websites:

Rather than going through the hassle of visiting matchmakers or going to matchmakers, you can keep it all a secret and opt for matrimonial websites instead.

This has become a preferred choice for many who are looking for someone to settle down with. This way they are able to look through different profiles at the same time and make a choice on their own.

Matrimonial sites allow you to enter as much information about yourself as you possibly can. Your photos, likes, dislikes, and technical details, can be viewed by different people on the platforms and they can decide whether they want to contact you or not. This gives a good head start to many, and you can build on that understanding overtime.

How to conduct yourself on matrimonial sites?

Though, matrimonial sites have made it incredibly easy for a lot of us to meet someone special but you will need to be a little vigilant with how you go about things.

By this we mean that you are firstly authentic. Make sure you are not adding any deceitful information about yourself, or omitting anything that you feel someone should know.

However, make sure you are not adding too much such as your past relationships, bank account amount, salary details, etc. There are some things only a specific person should know and the not the rest of the world.

Other than that, always look out for frauds. Unfortunately, there is never a shortage of such people on the platform.

There will always be someone who is trying to con you out of your hard earned money, by appealing to your empathy.If you ever experience any harassment, don’t shy away from letting the site managers know about it.

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Joined: March 25th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1