Why You Should Keep Your Repair Invoices Safe With YouPosted by Andrew Richardson on March 25th, 2021 As a customer, your job is to ensure that you keep the repair invoices for any repairs done on your automobile. You never know when the invoice would come to your rescue in case of the Lemon Law in Wisconsin. Many customers also do not get justice because they fail to show the repair invoice. The repair invoice is the only proof of what the work was done on your automobile in the repair shop. The repair invoices help you create a strong case against the automobile manufacturers when you claim your vehicle under the lemon law. Never feel shy in asking for a copy of the repair invoice, as by law, you’re allowed to have a copy of the invoice. This article will explain why it is important to get the repair invoice and all the items that must be covered in the repair invoice. 1- Things that be covered in the repair invoice Even if your car has been taken for test-driving or inspection, you should ask for a detailed repair invoice. This invoice will have the diagnostic and detailed report on the repair work done. Following are some of the things that must be present in the repair invoice: - 1. The problem that was mentioned by the customer while bringing the automobile to the repair shop, 2. The problem then being identified by the mechanic or the condition of the automobile. 3. A list of all the parts or accessories bought new along with the cost of the labor. 4. Date when the automobile was brought in for inspection. The odometer reading when the automobile was bought for inspection. 5. Date of completion of the job and when the automobile was given back to the customer. Every time your automobile has been taken to the repair shop, you must get a repair invoice with the points mentioned above properly written. These invoices will help you in the future if you need to take your vehicle for Wisconsin lemon law. 2- Things to do while you’re in the repair shop Once you reach the repair shop, you must clearly explain the problems you’ve been facing and since the problems started. The technicians will then do the needful while you must take care of the following things when in the repair shop: - 1. Explain clearly the problem you’re facing in the automobile. Do not exaggerate and do not suggest the places from where the problem might originate and let the technicians figure out the root of the problem 2. Describe when you’ve been facing the problem and under what circumstances did the problem originate. 3. Ensure that the technician has carefully noted down all your points. 4. After repairs, ensure that you’re completely satisfied with the service and ensure that you do not feel the problem while driving. To conclude Getting the repair invoice is very necessary in case you want to file for the Wisconsin lemon law claim. Andrew Richardson is the author of this Article. To know more about Texas Bankruptcy attorney please visit our website: allenstewart.com Like it? Share it!More by this author |