Causes, Symptoms And Complications Of Gum Disease
Posted by Vikram Kumar on May 22nd, 2015
Do you suspect that you are suffering from gum disease? It will shock you to realize that you could be suffering from the condition without being aware! Gum disease dentist Epping agrees with dentists around the world on a couple of things. For example, they share in the common opinion of healthy gums being firm enough to keep your teeth in position. They should be and pink at all times and not bleed when you brush or touch them. What is more, your gums must not be painful in order for you to be unwell. Consequently, you should ensure that you frequently pay a visit to your dentist.
Causes of the disease
There are a couple of factors that give birth to gum disease. Poor oral hygiene is the major cause of this condition. It implies that failure to regularly brush your teeth can cause the disease. This is because of accumulation of plaque. Usually, starch and carbohydrate and other food substances stick on your teeth. They mix with saliva when you do not brush or floss after a meal giving rise to plaque. With time, the bacteria in plaque convert the starch into acid and energy. So, the acid tears down your tooth surface over time and it could irritate your gums.
Although anyone with poor oral hygiene standards can contract gum disease, some people at a greater risk than others. For example, smokers and elderly people can easily get the disease. In addition, if your family records history of the condition, you will want to be taking extra caution. Diabetes, stress, malnutrition and weak immune system also trigger the condition.
Invisalign Epping Dentist will recommend treatment after gauging the condition of your gums. When gum disease is at its early state also known as givingitis, your gums are likely to be swollen and red. In addition, they will bleed whenever you touch, floss of brush them. It will be prudent to seek medical assistance before the condition worsens. This is because in the latter stages, bones and tissues that offer support to your teeth may end up being infected. At this level, you will be known to suffer from periodontitis.
You will experience bad breathe and an undoubtedly unpleasant taste (metallic) in your mouth. Your teeth may become loose implying that it will be tougher for you to chew or bite food. Then, you will not evade gum abscesses unless you get treated. In the final stage, you will suffer from ANUG- Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Givingitis. As its name suggests, you will have the aforementioned signed of givingitis along with painful ulcers. You will have trouble swallowing and talking. What is more, there will be receding gums amid your teeth with excess saliva.
Failure to consult with gum disease dentist Epping can give rise to complicated gum disease. You will experience recurring gum abscesses and receding gums. You will have loose teeth that will be lost one after the next. Your alveolar bone and periodontal ligaments will also be damaged or lost!
Gum disease is manifest in red and swollen gums rather than painful ones. Gum disease dentist Epping will provide treatment for your condition if you frequently go for checkups to ensure that you do not suffer the complications of the condition. Luckily, good oral hygiene can help reduce the need to visit invisalign Epping dentist.