Education and Real Life Challenges

Posted by Annie Arianna on March 26th, 2021

The purpose of education from ancient times has always been to develop a mindset that can face real-life challenges both effectively and efficiently. It’s not about learning and cramming facts and figures but using them in your practical lives that will make it simpler and convenient. This purpose needed to be carry forwarded along with time but the irony is that, Except for some best American curriculum schools, all other institutions have commercialized education to gain maximum hype for them. Slowly but steadily, the generation is heading towards a vicious circle where they will not find a suitable solution for the upcoming challenges in their lives. This post will discuss some ground realities based on this aspect to make you a little aware of the present education scenario and where will it take your kids.

Understanding the real-world problem solving

Problem-solving skill is something that can never be underestimated during the educational journey of a child. It is moreover a philosophy of teaching-learning procedure that enables learners to identify their capabilities towards a particular problem. RAK American Academy is a premier institution that focuses equally on developing moral, ethical, and academic values in its students.

Developing problem-solving skills in students keeps utmost importance in today’s fast-paced lives as we are already living in a world that is prone to various serious environmental and economic problems. In some of the best schools in RAK, students are made aware of this aspect and not only aware, they are taught to develop a mindset to think over a solution for this. The initial stage begins with their schooling only, hence, schools have to understand this responsibility.

Assessment of Present Situation

It is the moral responsibility of all institutions across the world to assess their educational scenario and ponder over the feasibility of offering education to their students. They must analyze the efficacy of their students and make sure how competent they are in solving real-life situations. Not only the schools, but it should also be the utmost priority for all guardians to inculcate problem-solving skills in their children by sparing some time for them. This is another irony that when guardians enroll their kids in a school, they leave everything up to that institution and bend over very cleverly. This is where the role of a parent portal comes into focus. Ras-Al-Khaimah American Academy offers a parent portal through its school management where guardians can clearly view all academic development of their children and can address their issues regarding anything.  

Problem Solving Skill: A Demand for the Future

Schools have to initiate with this concept on a serious note as the upcoming future is waiting for the next generation to be tactful enough to deal with problems like global warming, climate changes, increasing pollution, homelessness, and food insecurity. The mindset has to be developed at an early stage where schools have to inculcate these values among students starting with small and daily life problems which exist in their lives. RAK American Academy Ras-Al-Khaimah offers various activities through which students develop a problem-solving mindset to meet day-to-day problems of their lives. Dealing with personal challenges and stress management should be brought into focus at an early stage and students must be taught its essence for tomorrow. 

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Annie Arianna

About the Author

Annie Arianna
Joined: January 18th, 2021
Articles Posted: 3

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