Why Do Hormonal Imbalances Make It So Hard To Lose Weight? Learn the Science beh

Posted by mornutrition on May 27th, 2015

Belly fat is a huge problem that numerous people contend with every day. Hormonal imbalance is usually characterized by fat settling around your waist area which is quite awful and unattractive and not good for your health. Excessive weight around the abdomen can increase your chances of getting heart problems, diabetes, stroke and even cancer. Worse still, abdominal fat deposits can be a chief indicator of a hormonal discrepancy.

If you're struggling to lose weight and you follow a daily exercise routine, cut fatty diets and do everything else right but still unable to lose it, chances are that your hormones are at play here. Hormones control every facet of losing weight including your appetite, cravings, metabolism and even where your fats are stored. Hence, any case of hormonal imbalance will dent your attempts to lose weight.

Abdominal fat deposits could be an indicator of some hormonal imbalances that include:

  • Adrenal dysfunction in both male and female
  • Heightened DHEA levels or testosterone in women
  • Estrogen dominance in both male and female
  • A reduction in testosterone level in men

Hormonal imbalances weight loss requires one to eat a healthy diet, perform regular exercises, get plenty of sleep and tackle any hormonal imbalances associated with weight gain. A lot of youthful women especially those dealing with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have a lot of difficulties with excess weight around the waist. This is quite risky because it increases dangers of acquiring cardio vascular illnesses or diabetes for the girl.

Furthermore, abdominal fat cells have the ability to increase the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen. When estrogen levels go up, the possibility of storing more fat around the belly region occurs. Weight gain and hormones can cause hormonal imbalances and introduce a vicious cycle of blood-sugar dysregulation.

As a result of stress, obesity and aging, male testosterone levels start to reduce. It’s been observed that men are encountering a reduction in their testosterone levels a lot earlier than ever before in their lives. Lower testosterone levels are due to resistance of insulin and an increased risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

The University of Washington conducted some studies that showed that men with lower testosterone levels are highly likely to gain abdominal fat while scientists at Yale found that even thin women with high levels of cortisol were also likely to acquire waistline fat deposits.

Hormonal imbalances weight loss can be quite a heavy task and your best defenses against gaining weight are exercises and diet, which can really help you cut down on excessive weight. However, it’s essential to note that hormonal imbalances can also cause great deal of difficulties in achieving that goal, despite doing everything by the book. Seek therapeutic nutritional consultation for hormonal imbalance testing which can be valuable in ensuring successful weight loss goals.

Source: - http://tinyurl.com/o8dew7s

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