Bitcoins meaning

Posted by yogesh chauhan on March 30th, 2021

Bitcoins Meaning: The Sunday Shill Returns

There are many reasons why people see value in Bitcoin: Here is another.

What a crazy few months it has been for the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency world. Decentralised Finance (DeFi) is melting faces on the way to revolutionise the finance world, alt-coins are mooning and shitcoins like Cardano (ADA) and Binance Coin (BNB) are in the top 5. Those in the know knew this was coming (except ADA and BNB being top 5). But there were plenty of brainlets out there who thought it was game over for crypto after the 2017-18 bubble. But those mouth breathers obviously had never heard the phrase “history repeats itself” and in the case of Bitcoin those words ring true. 

The difference about this time is, Bitcoin is being taken seriously by everyone. For a while Bitcoin was in stealth bull mode, breaking all-time highs and no one was talking about it. Then all of a sudden – 30k, 40k, and 50k all smashed in roughly a month and a half. This got the attention of the big dogs of the world and now they’re starting to look at Bitcoin as more than a scam.

Rather than a market driven by retail (like past bull runs were), we are seeing institutions starting to get in on the fun. Tesla CEO, Elon Musk and Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey two of silicon valley’s big dicks are being vocal about their positions in Bitcoin, Wall Street MVPs coming out in their support for Bitcoin, including Paul Tudor JonesStanley Duckermiller and Bill Maher. Even NASDAQ-listed companies like Microstrategy and Greyscale are getting behind Bitcoin and reaping the benefits with both of them recording record-breaking numbers. We have seen so much in the past 6 months coming into play and it feels like this is just the start.

Could it be that one of the classic narratives is opening the eyes of the big dogs? i.e Bitcoin is arguably a superior safe haven asset to gold? The potential of these magical internet monies and the blockchain technology? Or are they just late to the party and starting to FOMOing in?

Time will tell, but for the sake of this article, I am writing for SEO purposes based around the keyword “Bitcoins meaning” I am going to write about why I got into Bitcoin as a young lad back in 2014 and the meaning I saw in it. 

Bitcoins Meaning.. For me

The very first mention of Bitcoin to me (during the 2013 bull run) was probably the same for most people, at the pub and a mate brings up how this new internet money has just done a 40x, the convocation lasts for a few minutes, and then moves on. 

It took another year until another mate who had a proper understanding of Bitcoin opened my eyes to it. He did not spoon-feed me or tell me to “go and read the white paper”. Instead, he explained Bitcoin’s value proposition to me and then told me to go and read Timothy C. May’s “Crypto Anarchist Manifesto”. 

May and a little snippet from the manifesto

Hearing some bloke say words like this almost 30 years before it was happening as a 21 year old, straight white male, looking to add some meaning to his life was pretty powerful.

Maybe it was my exposure to hip-hop and punk rock that created some desire to see establishments crumble, my disapproval of the Australian government at the time, the fact an OG cypherpunk back in 88’ was calling out what was happening in 2014’ or maybe it was just the fact I never took my privilege for granted. Whatever it was it resonated with me.

“Just as the technology of printing altered and reduced the power of medieval guilds and the social power structure, so too will cryptologic methods fundamentally alter the nature of corporations and of government interference in economic transactions.“

– Timothy C. May The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto, 1988

These are the words I needed to hear, to be apart of something that not only has the potential to bring you financial freedom but also disrupt the way the world as works was amazing. This was/is some once-in-a-lifetime shit and for anyone who saw what May and Nakamoto saw and held onto that belief is reaping the rewards today. 

In summary, there are plenty of reasons to take Blockchain and Bitcoin seriously and I wrote this not just for SEO purposes, but also to hopefully add another reason and perspective on why this is a world-changing technology.

“Just as a seemingly minor invention like barbed wire made possible the fencing off of vast ranches and farms, thus altering forever the concepts of land and property rights in the frontier West, so too will… [Blockchain Technology]… come to be the wire clippers that dismantle the barbed wire.

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yogesh chauhan

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yogesh chauhan
Joined: December 31st, 2018
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