Advantages of Thread Lockers over Mechanical Locking Devices

Posted by Parson Adhesives on March 30th, 2021

Thread lockers are single-part adhesives that are anaerobic. These are typically used in conjunction with mechanical fasteners. They are a better option than mechanical locking devices. They are usually applied to the threads of fasteners such as screws to not get loose over time. There are multiple reasons why mechanical locking devices are sidelined in favor of thread lockers. Let us explore the factors behind the shift. 

Filling of Gaps

When bolts and nuts are used, there are small gaps that, over time, widen and decrease the integrity of the fastening. However, the traditional methods are unable to close the gap between the substrate and the fastener. There is as much as an 85% air gap, which can only increase with time. So here, the thread lockers come to the rescue, which has a liquid consistency. They can easily permeate the smallest gaps, tighten the fastening, and keep out all kinds of contaminants. 

Lowers Vibration

The mechanical locking devices create air gaps that facilitate the sideways movement of the screws. These space pockets can result in excessive vibration, which causes the fastening to get loosen over time. The thread lockers are made up of different chemical components like plastic which are highly resistant to vibration. It also has polymeric chain properties that help to prevent any lateral movement. 

No bearing of Environmental Factors 

Nuts and bolts react strongly to changes in weather, especially in areas of high temperature. They are also prone to rust which can make future repair work almost unviable. On the other hand, the cold or extreme temperatures can also negatively affect the fastener irrespective of the material used to make them. Thread lockers are highly resistant to temperature fluctuations and have a high chemical resistance that ensures a robust bond. Applying the thread lockers to the fasteners ensures that the bolts and the nuts become resistant to all kinds of environmental factors. 

Less Cost Involved

Thread lockers are highly versatile, which is why you can effectively reduce the labor and the number of parts you need to keep in stock. However, the use of traditional locking devices means that one needs to have a diverse selection of shapes and sizes to have one for all kinds of requirements. There is no such problem with thread lockers as you need to select the right thread locker, and you are all set for the task. When compared to the individual locking devices, these also have a lower cost per unit. The high-strength thread lockers are suitable for permanent applications, while the low and medium strength ones allow for easy removal using the traditional hand tools. No wonder, usage of thread lockers will help you to save a lot of time and money. 

The above discussion proves that thread lockers are exceptionally reliable in improving torque control and reducing galling during assembly. They are available in different strengths and work in the most severe environments. The thread locker adhesives are also known for easy dispensing and high shear strength

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Parson Adhesives

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Parson Adhesives
Joined: October 27th, 2020
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