Hebrews 6 Bible CommentaryPosted by Mouridsen Rosales on March 30th, 2021 The brethren in Hebrews are guilty of navel-gazing-like introspection of sin. They want to offer animal sacrifices after receiving Christ, to continue to appease God; primarily because of their consciousness of sin. Paul is telling them that offering sacrifices defeats the purpose of Christ. That is why the book of Hebrews goes into depth on the meaning and purpose behind the animal sacrifices that were done in the old testament. Hebrews tells of how these things were a shadow of Christ, but that once Christ has done his work, that these things are no longer necessary. I will explain why the view that I hold to makes the most sense to me. We come to what is arguably the most difficult passage in the New Testament to interpret. The problem is that no view, including the one that I hold, is without problems. Believers who have come to Christ by grace remain wedded to Christ, knowing they are in Him by grace. Perseverance and Assurance are the two sides of grace. The believer cannot persevere in grace without growing in assurance, and they cannot grow in assurance of faith without perseverance. This a warning like the warning about a useless/fruitless treee. Verse 7 shows us that the good ground which brings forth good vegetation will receive a blessing from God. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil. Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil. We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. We must read the Bible in context, and recognise that the word, 'therefore', is joining us to something important that went before. Charles Templeton is an example of a man who surely had "once been enlightened", had "tasted of the heavenly gift", had been made a partaker "of the Holy Spirit", had "tasted the good word of God" and the "power of the age to come." Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people, producing the fruit of it. Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him. So the author was well acquainted with the teaching of justification by faith but failed to mention it in our passage of study. So in summary, to "fall away" is to fall away from a profession of salvation and into a state of perdition . This is a deep conviction of our faith, a practiced submission that shows our obedience, and a life of personal and relational maturity. We have to listen to God; if not, we will not learn and then we will not grow and then we will not have a life of transformation and growth. Instead, we experience a storm-tossed sea of life, wayward in every perspective because our eyes and ears are not upon our Lord . Jesus, who went before us, demonstrated what it means to walk by faith; He paved the way in our redemption and our ability to live a life of worthiness, faithfulness, and joyfulness. He can and does identify with and understand you personally and your life, situations, obstacles, and opportunities, He is the God who is here, here with you now, knowing you and carrying you through the ups and downs of life. He walked your life in your behalf, cheated death and sin, and now we all have a True Lord and are anchored to Him as Savior; we can go directly to Him, because he knows us, loves us, and will minister to us now and forevermore. The sacrifice Christ made on the cross was too complete and too wonderful for that. But you are in great danger of losing your fellowship with God, losing future reward in heaven, losing present peace and joy in your Christian life, and if you go too long and too far away from God, you may even lose your life. This is not a passage teaching we can lose our salvation. The author is saying that if you can lose your salvation, then Christ’s sacrifice wasn’t good enough, and you would have to crucify him all over again. So this covers from the first elements of piety through it's highest; it describes the successive steps by which a true Christian advances to the highest stage of Christian experience. Tom Streets A great tragedy occurs when one is lax in selection of an information source. When one does not adequately "vet" a source, he is not wise to trust it - especially with his soul! Eternal judgment, if viewed from the perspective of The God's work in Jesus, is a finished issue. Jesus paid all the penalties for the sins of the whole world. Although everyone is guilty of sin and worthy of eternal judgment for that sin, the penalty was completely paid by Jesus. Everyone is now free to live under the law of liberty. The fifth item the author recommended was abandoning the dead works "of laying on of hands." Here, again, it is the Old Testament rites he was speaking of. The priest had people lay their hands upon the head of the animal to be sacrificed for sin. All the same, his intent is to simply move along, presenting these truths as an opportunity for the audience to "catch up," spiritually speaking. The last verses of chapter am I beyond repentance 5 accused the readers of being spiritually immature. Despite being Christians for some reasonable amount of time, they were still hung up on simple concepts. God, as the vinedresser, first tries to get the vines to produce fruit by lifting them up. If they do not bear fruit, they are burned – that means they will be judged. A lot of people tend to see this as a reference to hell. While fire and burning is sometimes a reference to hell, it is not always. Most often, fire and burning is a Biblical symbol of God’s judgment. All these things should not be held out as something we must do to "appropriate" the salvation that is already ours. When denominations ignore the clear teaching of scripture, confusion reigns. There is no justification for teaching that salvation is provided by The God, but that people must appropriate it for themselves by doing something. The God has already "saved" all humanity by the sacrifice of his son, Jesus. So understanding both sides of the apparent contradiction will expand your revelation of God's amazing grace and heighten your appreciation of the choice offered to you in Jesus. So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. But there is still good news, we can find our way back to him, for the blood of Jesus was shed for the forgiveness of all sins, so if you do happen to backslide there is still hope to come back to Jesus. In particular, you have signed your name onto the New Covenant - a legal document in which Christ fulfills all terms and obligations. The reward for this agreement, to be paid in the future, is eternal life. The Hebrews had received the gift of holy spirit, they were aware of the gift, and, therefore, they were responsible to The God for what they did with that portion of holy spirit they had received. The third characteristic was that they "were made partakers of holy ghost." Partakers comes from metochous, which means to be sharers or partners in something. The author's Hebrew brethren, along with everyone else, had been given a portion of holy spirit.Like it? Share it!More by this author |