Top 5 Tips to Create Eye-Catching Mobile Ad Campaign

Posted by Aaeesha on June 2nd, 2015

Most businesses are still struggling with online advertising, and with the mobile use surpassing desktop use worldwide, it has become all the more essential to explore this territory. Small businesses in particular need to put an extra effort to create a stunning mobile ad campaign that would help them get a large number of potential customers in real-time.

According to comScore, one out of every three visitors to an average retail website is completely mobile. This means to trap this percentage of mobile users, you need to come up with an optimal mobile experience to avoid losing your potential buyers. To meet your needs, you should find out which devices your target audience is using. Then you can create a custom mobile app for promotion of your company and its products or services. comScore survey shows that 80% of internet users owns a smartphone and they are most likely to use their device for surfing the net.

1. Ensure your ad is interactive

Remember, you are not the only one who is creating ads for mobile devices – smartphones, tablets, iPhone, etc. Your competitors are not sitting idle but working hard to attract your potential audience. So, you must create ads that are highly appealing and interactive. They should encourage sign-ups for emails or to your monthly e-newsletter.

2. Know your audience

Many mobile advertisers are wasting their money on mobile ad campaign without knowing their mobile audiences and what they are trying to achieve with those campaigns. When working with mobile ads, especially those that insist people on downloading apps, you must know your customers first; who uses your app the most and what they do with it.

3. Provide incentives

It can be anything from giving a coupon for dining in a restaurant to availing a flat 10 or 20% discount on the first purchase of any products your company is selling. It will make your target audience act immediately, because mobile is all about acting taking a call to action quickly. You can also provide “buy one get one free” or free items with every purchase for triggering a strong all to action.

4. Use Geo-targeting

The mobile advertising campaign will be more effective if you lay importance on Geo-targeting. For example, The sale of a woolen garments company is bound to increase if it runs exclusive ads in areas with a cold weather. By leveraging location and other local context variables, marketers can optimize when and where their ads will appear to ultimately increase relevancy while reducing wastage of money on unsuccessful ads.

5. Add the App on your website

One of the best ways of mobile app promotion is to include the same on your website. You can encourage visitors to download the app by giving a special offer.

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