Sweat Getting You Down? Here's Some Help

Posted by amrina alshaikh on April 3rd, 2021

Sweat Getting You Down? Here's Some Help

It is a warm day with clear skies. But while everyone else rejoices in the sunshine and takes a picnic, you are left feeling depressed. The warmer the weather, the higher the chances of you sweating through your clothes. You have experienced excessive sweating for a few years, and your move to Dubai has not helped matters. If anything, the hot weather in the city has made the problem worse. You no longer mingle in public unless you’ve changed your sweat-stained clothing and applied fresh talc and deodorant.

This article studies how Botox treatments can alleviate the problem of excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis.

What is hyperhidrosis?

Excessive sweating is medically referred to as ‘hyperhidrosis’. It is a condition in which the sweat glands are overactive, resulting in an almost constantly sweaty skin in the armpits, feet, groin, hands and scalp areas. The underarms and feet are affected the most, since the skin there has a high concentration of sweat glands. Sometimes, the problem may be restricted to only these areas.

  • Underarm sweat tends to pool and collect in the pits, and since the arms cover the armpits, the sweat does not dry off rapidly.
  • This can lead to sweat patches on the clothes and a distinct odour. The odour is quite terrible in some cases and it can even make the clothes smell bad.
  • The same applies to excessive foot sweating, which can cause the socks and shoes to develop a foul smell over time.
  • Hyperhidrosis is embarrassing and can cause awkwardness in social settings. It can make a person withdraw from social life because they don’t want their damp and smelly clothing and skin to affect others.

How people normally deal with excessive sweating

People suffering from excessive sweating tend to keep an extra change of clothes, socks and even shoes for use during the day. They also frequently mop up the underarms and feet using tissue paper, or wet wipes. There are several powders available that claim to absorb the excessive dampness on the skin, and remove any odour associated with excessive sweating as well. They also spray a lot of deodorant on the sweaty areas of the skin. However, these are short term, and quite impractical, solutions to the problem.

How you should ideally deal with it

There is an effective treatment for excessive sweating, and it involves the use of Botox injections.

  • Botox, short for the Botulinum Toxin chemical, is injected directly into the nerves responsible for sending signals to the sweat glands in the affected areas of the body. This curbs the problem considerably.
  • Botox treatments in Dubai are often used for removing fine lines and wrinkles from the face and neck. However, Botox treatments have been found extremely effective in stopping hyperhidrosis in its tracks.
  • A shot of Botox in the nerves present in the underarms and feet freezes them and makes them inactive for up to six months at a time. When these nerves are ‘frozen’, they cannot send signals that activate the sweat glands. In turn, there is no sweating as long as the Botox is effective.
  • You might need a re-injection in four to six months. However, the nerves slowly become deadened and intervals between injections might be longer and longer over time. The doctor administering the shots must be an experienced one, so that only the targeted nerves are
  • Botox treatments are completely safe and they do not cause any post-procedure pain or discomfort. There may be a slight sting as the chemical enters the body, but the feeling lasts for only a few minutes. You will begin to see the effects in about four days from the date of the injection.

How to care for the skin this season

With the advent of warm weather in Dubai, it is time to keep sweaty skin fresh and fragrant. Apart from showering twice daily with cool water and antibacterial soap, do use an antiperspirant and a fine talc that absorbs excess moisture and leaves the skin smelling fresh.

Wearing loose cotton clothing helps the sweat dry faster and allows the breeze to keep the clothing ventilated and dry. Do wash all clothing after one use to keep sweat odour at bay.

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amrina alshaikh

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amrina alshaikh
Joined: April 24th, 2018
Articles Posted: 229

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