Why Does Men's Jewelry Be Fashionable Too?

Posted by Andrew Wilson on April 6th, 2021

Men wear jewelry too and this is no lie. Though the industry revolves largely around women and makes myriads of accessories from head to toe, men also have a very small niche. In the early days, during monasteries, and monarchy, a king would also have fashionable jewelry at his disposal, but with time things changed, and it was only a women's thing.

In the US, men may be seen hardly wearing any jewelry, apart from occasional chains on the neck, rings on their fingers, and bracelets. That is more like an oddity than a normal thing. In terms of accessories, the best you can get is a wristwatch and that is it. But, shops selling mens stainless steel bracelets are a small chunk too in the country, and because of online mode and very small demand, they resort to limited small-scale manufacturing and, available from small stores. The market is rich for men's engagement rings, and that is all.

Another very small market is for memorial and ashes necklace makers because they make urns that are not regarded as conventional jewelry. So, it is hard to get by some from name brands again, and most of the focus is again on usual conventional women's jewelry. Jewelry is a part of the fashion industry, and minting designs from precious metals and stones are losing as an art form. On top of that, alternate materials like organic, eco-friendly metals, alloys, and composites are taking the front seat. You can see that people are experimenting with ideas and the young generation is largely into these things. This also allows for a lot of diversity. For example, you can buy tungsten rings with opal stone inlays.

This means, taking cues from classic styles, modern approach, patterns, and choice of materials, and so on. When budget is not a factor, you can go completely out of control, but keeping things on a tight leash means finding out innovative ways. However, a major champion of this thinking is stainless steel. Highly polished, often coated with chromium for resisting corrosion and weather. You can easily find mens stainless steel bracelets online from several stores that can deliver right to your doorstep anywhere in the US.

This brings back the nostalgia factor. And, thinking about nostalgia and memories, we must not forget those who have departed. The best dad and the best mom engraved necklaces, pendants and bracelets are also available. You can use gemstones, opals, and all sorts of materials to make them. The market for urns as jewelry exists. The ashes necklace is often readymade unless you can find someone who can take orders, and you can afford it.

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Andrew Wilson

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Andrew Wilson
Joined: August 9th, 2019
Articles Posted: 171

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