Society of the Blind in the Czech Republic asks to ban segways on sidewalks

Posted by clifton mora on April 6th, 2021

For blind pedestrians, this type of transport is a great danger.

The organization of blind citizens in the Czech Republic has called on MPs to ban the use of segways on sidewalks. For blind and visually impaired people, they pose a higher danger than ordinary pedestrians. Wheelchair users and the Prague Mothers civic association have joined the petition.

The organization of the blind and visually impaired citizens of the Chechen Republic fears accidents with segways and reminds that the first of them have already been registered. “The Segway is quiet but fast. Nobody knows how responsible, dexterous and attentive his driver is. If Segway is dangerous for all pedestrians, then for the blind and poorly seeing this danger is much greater, "- said the President of the Society of the Blind, Vaclav Polasek.

Parents of young children also struggle with segways. According to the non-profit organization Prague Mothers, the motor energy of people on segways is much higher than that of pedestrians. They also take up a lot more space.

The Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic will not ban segways

 Segways will not be banned in the Czech Republic. The city authorities will be able to select and designate territories in settlements where it will be prohibited to travel on segways using road signs, reports with reference to ČTK .

The ministry believes that this is a compromise solution that takes into account the interests of state bodies and pedestrians, and does not limit the rights of owners of electric scooters. If segways are banned, then the profit from their rental will approach zero.

The ministry hopes that the city authorities will be wise in choosing the area where it will be forbidden to ride segways, since the cost of one road sign is 2,500 kroons.

In Prague, the ministry's decision is criticized, citing the fact that segways threaten pedestrians, as they can reach speeds of up to 20 km / h. At the moment, electric scooter drivers are legally considered pedestrians and are not allowed to drive on the road, but only on sidewalks.

Department of Transportation wants to remove Segway cars from sidewalk

The Czech Ministry of Transport wants to remove Segways from sidewalks. Segways, which are equal in rights with pedestrians, will soon be assigned to a special category. In this regard, even a new law is being prepared. Fans of two-wheelers will be able to ride only in specially designated places, writes Finanční noviny.

The Czech Ministry of Transport wants to remove Segways from sidewalks. Segways, which are equal in rights with pedestrians, will soon be assigned to a special category. In this regard, even a new law is being prepared. Fans of two-wheelers will be able to ride only in specially designated places, writes Finanční noviny.

“It will be possible to ride a segway only where the district will allocate a special place for this,” said ministry spokesman Martin Novak. At present, the gig is no longer allowed to be used on the highway. If the proposed law passes, the segways will be assigned to a special category of vehicles.

The reason for this decision, according to ministry officials, was the growing number of collisions between segways and pedestrians. Two-wheeled cars are most often taken by tourists without any experience in driving such cars.

Now American gig in Prague is offered by about 13 companies. Some of them work without a special license. The general use of this vehicle is prohibited, for example, in the UK. The British can only ride segways on their own land, if there is one.


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clifton mora

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clifton mora
Joined: February 24th, 2021
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