Erectile Dysfunction: Viagra And Other Oral Medications

Posted by Dean Boston on April 7th, 2021

These are the five most popular drugs in the United States, and three of them are used for erectile dysfunction (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra). Do these medicines really solve "men's problems"? How is impotence treated at all? We asked Richard Lobato, Johns Hopkins Hospital urologist, all these questions.

Are intimacy problems considered the norm?

Intimacy problems happen to all men from time to time. Most often, according to a specialist, difficulties with an erection arise when a man has no desire to have sex, and a woman insists on it.

- If a man has no desire, this does not mean at all that he does not love a woman. If this is not systematic, this is normal, - says Richard Lobato. - A person has the right not to want something. But if there is no desire for too long or it exists but does not coincide with the possibilities, erectile dysfunction is repeated more and more often and becomes a rule rather than an exception - this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Impotence can be cured

According to a recent study, 31.6% of men of all ages suffer from erectile dysfunction.

- It is important to understand that impotence does not arise from scratch: it always has a reason, - says the urologist. - It can appear due to organic disorders, for example, as a result of diabetes mellitus or hypertension. It can also be the result of organic lesions of the penis, for example, inflammation of the cavernous bodies, trauma to the penis, Peyronie's disease.

In addition to organic, there are also psychogenic causes of "male problems". These include family conflicts, stress, depression, neurosis, psychosis, mental disorders, prolonged abstinence.

According to the specialist, organic causes can flow into psychogenic ones and vice versa, and their combination is often found.

- From my own experience, I can say that in most cases, male sexual disorders are a consequence of any disease and they occur in men due to an inattentive and sometimes disregard for their health, - the specialist says. “And in most cases, erectile dysfunction can be cured. The earlier a man seeks a doctor, the easier it is to deal with them.

Self-medication in this situation is not very effective. Drugs to improve potency will only eliminate the symptoms and help for a short time, but they will not remove the cause. And the patient will not be able to use them without the help of a doctor. To treat erectile dysfunction, according to Richard Lobato, you should start with a doctor's consultation. He will help you understand the causes and select the right treatment.

What drugs do doctors recommend?

Drugs that increase potency are divided into two groups: tableted and injectable. The most commonly used tablets are type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors (Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra). The mechanism of action is similar for everyone: they affect smooth muscles and thereby improve blood circulation in the penis. Medications are taken about 1 hour before the intended sexual intercourse, and they bring the body into "combat readiness" for a certain time. All of the three drugs can be purchased online from, the website of My Canadian Pharmacy. The company specializes in generic medicines for erectile dysfunction. Orders are accepted 24/7 and shipped around the globe to almost any address. The company is licensed and cooperates exclusively with large and credible drug manufacturers.

- Tablets have one feature, - Dr. Lobato draws attention, - they work only if there is emotional excitement. If it is not there, you can take at least a pack of Viagra, there will be no effect.

It is difficult to say which of these drugs is better: everything is individual. The dosage is also selected together with the doctor.

According to the instructions for use, the fastest and longest-lasting ED drug is Cialis. It must be taken at least 16 minutes before the expected intimacy and it keeps the penis erect for 36 hours. Viagra and Levitra should be taken about an hour before sexual intercourse, they work for 4-5 hours.

“If the body reacts to drugs normally, you should not limit the frequency of their use, that is, you can use them as needed,” explains Dr. Lobato. - However, drugs can often be an impetus for the body to work on its own. To create this impetus, you need to take some of the drugs in a course - a pill every day for a week.

According to the specialist, the course of taking medications is often more effective than the constant use "as needed." In addition, psychological dependence can often develop from the latter, and a man will not be able to realize himself as a man without a pill. Therefore, you should not abuse the drugs to enhance potency.

All three drugs have contraindications, so you do not need to use them without consulting a urologist. And before taking it, you must carefully read the instructions. With the right medicine and its dosage, according to the urologist, you should experience no side effects.

The most common side effects of all ED medicines are a face flushing, a short-term change in color perception, and continued erection after ejaculation.

Theoretically, the drug that appeared later than all the rest should be considered the safest and most effective - this is Levitra. Cialis appeared a little earlier, and the very first drug is Viagra. However, there is no practical confirmation of this theory: there have been no large-scale clinical studies on this subject.

According to Dr. Lobato, Viagra is the best studied. It cannot be used together with nitroglycerin. This combination can provoke a heart attack and lead to sudden cardiac death. In addition, Viagra should not be taken with alcohol. The same cannot be said about Levitra and Cialis, however, they are compatible with alcohol (in moderate amounts).

Injectable drugs also increase the blood flow to the penis. They are usually used when tablets are ineffective. Such drugs are injected into the penis using a syringe. After that, a full-fledged erection immediately occurs, and even without sexual arousal.

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Dean Boston

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Dean Boston
Joined: April 7th, 2021
Articles Posted: 3

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