Camping In BC - Beautiful British ColumbiaPosted by Nick Niesen on October 27th, 2010 BC camping is like camping Yellowstone or camping California. The diversity of all the areas is very similar with mountains, stream, and lakes. You can get in to trouble very easy in the mountains if you are BC camping. When BC camping most people just go for a short walk and find themselves lost fore every thing looks the same if you do not now or have any experience in the woods. If you find your self lost stay put do not wander around because every tree will look familiar and every stream is the one you pasted on the little walk you took.
Most kids that get lost will wander away from the campsite playing with the family pet or playing hide in seek with other kids and got scared and tried to find the campsite. But wandered farther and farther away. I put a whistle on a sting and place it around the kids neck and the rule is they can not take it off till we are ready to leave for home. The kids are not allowed to blow the whistle unless they are in trouble. They will try just to see if it works but if you explain it is only for an emergency they will understand. Tell them it is like calling 911 on the phone all kids understand what 911 is for.
If you are in the woods and lost stay put providing you are not in danger if the weather changes look for a safe place to protect yourself from the elements. But not to far don?t wander around for hours looking for a safe place if needed stand on the down wind side of a large tree. It will offer you some protection and blow you whistle every 10 or 15 minutes with three short blasts and listen for the people looking for you. Do not wander off looking for the people that are looking for you just use your whistle above all help will arrive .Do not panic if you find your self lost stay calm and reason out where you are sit tight folks are looking for you. I have found many people only because I have the training. Do not interfere with the professional searches they have the gear and the training to find people. They are a very dedicated group of people and will not give up, no matter how harsh the weather gets. You do not want them to have to find you because you got lost looking for some one be it a family member or a friend. So be safe and enjoy the camping think before you act. BC camping is great!
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