Will Office Automation Ever Rule The World?

Posted by iZoeTallyInMobileApp on April 9th, 2021

 The year 2020 was a turning point for everyone. While Corona Virus was spreading, humans were trying hard to comfort themselves and be sane. Out of all the changes that happened, remote working turned out to be the most comfortable and the most preferable one. With a pandemic like this, people now want to go remote completely and most of the offices are now switching to complete work from home. Apparently, Office Automation Softwares became the need of the hour for all the corporate office management.

 What is Office Automation?

If we go with the word Automation, then it simply means operating through machines, robotic devices, or programming which does not consume human energy. Office automation means managing all the information and tasks, online or through computers with the help of software and tools.

Earlier, in the times before office automation, things were hectic and time-consuming. This brought the need to bring automation into the picture. There is more than one reason to understand that office automation software will always rule out traditional methods:

  • Tally: When you want to keep a count of something, you require Tally. You can use tally for banking, audits, and other accounting details on Cloud or on Mobile. Benefits of using tally through automation software include easy access with great efficiency, excellent security, cost-effectiveness. TallyStack, Akounter Cloud, Cevious are some of the office automation services providing Tally on Cloud.

  • Cyber Security: Cyber Security is the most crucial part of any organization. It protects all the data from any unauthorized access or hackers.

  • Task management: Once you get up in the morning, there is a pile of tasks lined up for you to complete. Most of the time, it gets difficult to remember them. Here is when you can use office automation for task management. Due to office automation, you can simplify your task and can even schedule them automatically. This has two more benefits; it saves your time and human efforts.

  • Time management: If you will use office automation for managing your tasks, one sure thing is you will be saving your time and time is money. You can do multitasking while your work is automated.

  • Website Design: If an organization is looking for better sales, attractive marketing techniques, better reach, and gaining more customers, then they need to have the finest website design. There are manual designers available but with office automation tools, this can be done in no time with the best results. Akounter Web is one of the examples of web designing tools.

Companies providing solutions

Top companies providing eminent office automation solutions along with their services are mentioned below:

  • NetForChoice: NetForChoice inDefend, Tally on Cloud

  • WebWerks: Tally on Cloud, SeecaS

  • Tally Cloud: Enjay Tally on Cloud

  • iZoe: Akounter Cloud, Akounter Web

  • Antra Web: Tally Prime, Tally Apps for Mobile

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About the Author

Joined: April 9th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1